Paying lip service to slaves condition and foundation in America without direct action rooted in historical Black Truth will gain nothing but more lies-tricks and death
If Black folk as slaves in America are truly concern about our condition and future welfare for our children and future generations, talk sit and do nothing but pay lip service to the true situations and mounting problems behind close doors, refusing to take the reality head on- then you are no better than these pimps, thugs and hustlers in the pulpits with their followers of lying wenches and begging bitches to be found in the professions of the legal force- Political Black Caucus- Educational Institutions within this demonic system that has given nothing, but crumbs, to foster and promote 'White Supremacy' over Black Truth and Divine Creation, then something is terribly wrong! There is no doubt in my mind or anyone else who has studied and been raised in this system, with all of it's false who don't know the truth concerning slavery and it's solution. If you don't want the solution why stand in the way and pretend? The truth is, there is a price too be paid. A price that even those who would benefit the most are found to be wanting ...lacking in faith. This includes fathers who join the arm forces of this nation who know they're nothing more than wards of the state, yet opt to leave these shores, take an oath to defend this nation in a distant land to fight and die for the slave masters well being and his White Kind, all in the face of his, Black kind, being ripped off and dying in the streets of what he's told is his land and system! What kind of dumb stuff is this, knowing they are apart of the only people who got to these shores against their will suffering a Holocaust of Mass destruction?! Black women on the other hand are told she's a pilard of strength, you don't need your man...give him up, we'll take care of you and his family! She gives him up and leads herself and their children into the system. Today, chaos reigns supreme-even as solutions, which includes, payment for a debt owed and a return to their land of Sovereignty, is not acted on and in most cases...not wanted! The clean up is integration and lip service! Usury under the pretext ( Jesus died for all of us-we're all the same!...even as he said "pick up your cross and follow him! His own Twelve Disciples disowned him-while today, you leave Christ and move into the arm of Islam and Farrakhan and others, whose fighting God...the Divine Creator! with no Land-No Man...No God!...catching hell from your children. Then there's Satan, the Identity thieves, Of Eastern Europe whom the Caucasians claim to be Jews, Masquerading as part of Abraham and the original' Hebrews (Black)! They're lying hypocrites and pretenders who were taught by "Black Israelites' during the time of the 'Sanhedrin Council' whom they bought off as the 'Original Nine and a Half Tribes' then found out after some five hundred years or more living in 'Russia, they couldn't cross the Jordan and claim the Spirit of the people, land of Reuben, Gad or Manasseh ( God Given!) which is why they're mad-running scared and died in the ( One Day War In 1968)...they were exposed- caught and defeated by Reuben' in the 'Rapture and Divine intervention' by the Supreme Lord Of the Living Most High God !...this and more with Isis at the Head' from Egypt known in Ethiopia and the Vatican with the sellout and death of the Nine and A half tribes on the West Bank-excluding Simeon, who were a part of the Judas Sellout. This accounts for so many Black females and their male counter parts calling there Caucasian integrationalist, their soul mates who can never enter the 'Promised Lands' which are Divine and Spiritual! The Solution too the Black problem in America along with the debt remains the same! Truth to Truth. Soul to Soul. Spirit to Spirit-' Lest We Forget' God Is! So High, You Can't Get over it! So Deep, you Can't Get Under It! So Wide, you Can't Get Around It! Knowing the Spirit Like the Faith Is real! No faith in Gods Truth - No Action-Hence, can't lip service it...can't fake it, to make it! From The Kings Highway and the Door Of Life' (C) 3 /30/2017 I Am...Reuben Seed OF Jacob Sun Son of Simeon-Faith and Land Of Black Israel! In Sovereignty and Justice! Reuben Beckles