Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, March 17, 2017

From The King's Highway-Sovereingty And the 'Door of Life' Critical Analysis and Inaction by wanna'be Pretending Blacks!

From the month and ' House Of Pisces- I am Reuben, Seed of Jacob,  Son, Sun Man of Simeon coming to you with no game, tricks or lies!   As a Black Man and Spiritual Linage of Jacob in Black Ancestry, I have no time for foolish game playing and pretense. My actions and concern is about Black folk as slaves in America. I witness as well as many of you, the tremendous games being played across the land by pretending Blacks and Black Judas Sellouts as it relates to solutions by and for Blacks who still have no Sovereignty, Land or true Freedom!  Let's be for real.  White Supremist  have no intention to release you from their clutches of Slavery.  They're living too high and good to entertain anything related to equality and freedom...not to mention the land and birthright they covet. They're all playing a mind game of usury ...using the Black woman to destroy and take your spirit leaving your children in the darkness of ignorance, that is, if she decides to have children.  The game is to have you tip toe through other nations and nationalities-wallowing in integration.  In the end you have nothing!  Not even faith- or spirit. Some of the greatest players in this game of destruction at your expense are Creoles, Mulattoes, coloreds,  Quadrones and Octoroons who have a total different agenda from what you perceive to be brotherhood.  They want your death-your spirit!  Your faith, land, inheritance  and birthright !  Think about this as you walk the streets fighting and hating yourselves as nomads in a country that pretends you're worthless, with no value.  You are the only people whose Ancestry, were stripped from your land, freedom and Sovereignty, now, speaking one language- after being terrorized -Castrated- Lynched -burned and Mutilated -family structure wiped out and given the task of building the foundation of this Country , from sun up to sun down' with no pay! All, while raising his children and denying your own!... even as this Nation and others around the world waxed fat in more ways than monetary.  You have given everything and still not wanted.  It's time to Separate!   I don't mean into the Nation of Islam, they're fighting God and Black Israel (Jacob).   Fighting for others in another Man's Land, is simply put, ( Folly)! insanity!  The reason these other nations and nationalities fight you is because they have integrated within your ranks as a blessed people! Your death, is their blessing! What they owe you would strip them naked and show them for the devilish beasts they are!  ... Black claim from within America stands at ( One Hundred million, Billion Trillion Zillion Dollars in Gold Silver Diamonds -Land, Copyrights Patients with Compounded Interest and other valuables to includes building equipment, tools and other supplies to the land of the Blacks and middles East. A debt owed and pending.  All relative to  Marcus Garvey, Christ and Reuben.   For those who find  themselves in a punk, sissy position disowning this claim-it's best you step aside-hating yourselves, enjoying hell!  You have no sense of self worth, History, Ancestry, common sense or love of self and kind,  hence, no God ! Critical thinking in Black Action is the real meaning behind the Sixties In Faith and action...not fake, waiting on Jesus!  Entering my land in the Rapture and Ascension is and was real, crossing over the Jordan and taking the Spiritual Throne.  If you claim to be a part of this truth-history knowledge and wisdom- then Stand...God be with you!  This is no joke! or play thing  (C) 3/17/ 2017   Reuben Seed of Jacob  and the Kings Highway in the Door of Life!   Love yourself-Your kind ...Knowing ' Lest We Forget"  The Devil is Still a Low down Dirty Devil as a pig is still pork and never changes and my God is the Divine Creator and no pretender!!       Faith  ....Abraham Isaac Jacob   Reuben Beckles


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