Hoax and joke-by Black and White Judas Sellouts using National and International deceptive Tricks of Folly- to keep Black Slaves In America!
What's so important about Black slaves in America? It's because they were the minds and builders representing free labor on this land in the 'Wilderness of North America! They didn't come to this land of their own free will, but as 'Captive Slaves, in Chains and Shackles.' They and their descendants are the basis and foundation on which the claim for 'Restitution, Reparations and Land is made in the form of Land, valued Currency, in the sum of ' One Hundred Million-Billion- Trillion Zillion Dollars in Platinum, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Land and other valued valuables, including Copyrights and Patients. The claim is made by and for, real people, Blacks, who are told in talk and action - we're nothing and should be greatfull, for our enslavement by the great White and Black demonic forces of the Black Boule and Illuminate of Europe! ...knowing, this isn't our land or System belongs to Black Slaves - whether in Judaism ,Christianity or Islam!' Fake it-Til You Make It! ... is their Moto'! What they want in there (Lust Greed selfishness as Satanic Impostors) is our identity, Mind Soul and Spiritual Birthright. Land in Israel. (Jacob in Divine Prophecy) which is not theirs to have! This truth is made known with the action taken by 'Reuben -Seed of Jacob in the 'One Day War' of (1968)! This is the center piece of chaos around the world, Religiously, Socially, Politically, Economical and Legally. This is Divine Wisdom and truth, they all, want to bury, not wanting too touch the Solution of ( Black Slavery) in all it's attending ills in America. Whether in social gatherings in homes, legal or political events, religious houses, on Universities or College campuses It doesn't matter. The real Solutions hardly ever come into focus or if they do, the agent provocateurs are there to make lite of the situation laughing it off as a hand out,' saying' that was then. Meaning Slavery. We live in today's world!' How dumb is that? 'Fake it till, they make it.' These same agent Provocateurs are urging us too vote for the lesser of two evils, who really don't give a damn for so-called minorities in Black as the claim, they want power, fame and fortune, at the slaves expense and you give it to them as willing slaves in the form of Donald Trump' whose Empire' is being destroyed here and around the world by Legal and Illegal immigrants'. He signs an Executive Order to stop the destruction of this nation as he see's it, by ill legals...only to be hounded and discredited by his own of wolves in sheep's clothing, pretending to believe in a Nation of Laws-Under God! as women and men pretenders..Sure they ( don't) standing on the backs and misery of Black Slaves whose free labor in chains and shackles built the foundation of this Land. In return-entire family's were wiped out-languages and cultures completely destroyed while Men Women -Fathers and Mothers along with Children were burned, Lynched, Castrated, jailed, raped and sold like cattle to the highest civilized' terrorist!...this and more, all, in the face of these glorified gangsters, sissies, punks and pimps who don't want real solutions to this nations problems as his women shout," We Want Equality-Open the Doors to More Continued Slavery! Up With Integration, Down with Hate!....I say; I'll take my Land, freedom, Separation and Justice in a hurry! Black Slaves who need you and don't want Justice or believe in prophecy, I say, "Good Luck- Just don't get in the way. Too many of you hate yourselves and want nothing to do with God, 'The Creator. This is an illusion, you think you know and see, in the devil's, altered creation. Mind too Mind-Spirit too Spirit-Soul Too Soul ! A Leopard never changes it's spots nor a Zebra it's stripes. (C) Reuben, Seed of Jacob- Sun- Son of Simeon coming from the 'King's Highway, Door of Life'. God of the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High! Christ Said," Pick up your Cross; which means; Action and growth, within and for self and kind! Love and Faith in God and Prophecy of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob which you'll find ' It's so deep- you can't get under it'. So High, you can't get over it and so wide, it narrows at the door's opening ! Stay well-love self and kind-move in truth- the devil is still a low down dirty devil!.... Fake to the Bone and highly deceptive. God Is! 1/31/ 2017 Reuben Beckles
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