Up front and on point-United Nations waking up to Fake Impostors calling themselves Jews of Biblical History in Scripture (Fakes)!
Justice and time have joined minds and hands bringing to an end, satanic rule and deception of these bloodsucking vampires, using the titled of Israel and( Original Jewish Israelites) to lie, steal and create havoc the world over, claiming a Black Birthright of Jacob that's not theirs as Caucasians. Hitler found this truth out and went to war. the big cover up is that they were taught certain knowledge of what is called Judaism by Black Judas sellouts. Because of hatred, envy and jealousy like Esau- certain blacks move against themselves. teaching these Europeans who lived in Russia for over five hundred years as Ashkenazim, Caucasians and in Spain and Portugal as Sephardi European Jewry. They were never apart of Black Israel. The knowledge they received as Caucasians was so heavy, they began to subject their own people and kind into a hellish condition of political and economical genocide. Through slavery, they were able too amass tremendous wealth using Blacks as a wedge between themselves and their European Occidental kind. They were never apart of eastern, Semitic people...never Black, as they are trying to claim today! The vote in the 'United Nations Security Council' is a step towards denouncing them for who and what they really are... Bloodsucking thirsty, Satanic Vampires. Like Farrakhan' and his nation under Islam', pretending truth, fighting the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High God!' Like Esau...can't stand truth! They have nothing to do with the Faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob The next move these hypocritical impostors intend to make having been exposed and defeated by ' Reuben, Seed of Jacob- Black House and Land of Israel in the 'One Day War of 1968) will be to use their Nuclear weapons to create (WWW3). It will be designed to send the nations of the world into a panic mode, hoping, the world will submit to there beast like insanity and recognize them as the true (Hebrew Israelites) knowing they're just a bunch of Zionist Phony scumbags!... Black Judas sellouts- male or females can't help them-nor can they enter that which they covet...( The Promised Lands!). This includes, Egypt and Ethiopia as part of this 'White Zionist Supremacy! There world is falling apart with Black Power and Divine Truth Rising with an on going claim and Debt, owed to the foundation of slaves and their descendants ( in compounded interest ). Reuben, Seed of Jacob...Sun Son-Man of Simeon (C) 12/27/ 2016 " Lest We Forget" Mind to Mind-Spirit to Spirit- Truth to Truth...Soul to Soul. Respect your Self-Love yourselves- stay well, God Is! Reuben Beckles
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