Psychiatric Genocide across America to destroy Black folk and the essense of their Wisdom and truth !
Many times yours truly has stated...'no lies, games and tricks, it's because, when you love your self and kind and are shown certain facts and truth through 'Divine Intervention' which doesn't include-witchcraft, sorcery, hoodoo voodoo mambo jumbo along with gaming, so- called religious houses and scheming practitioner's, you'll soon come to realize the insanity and depth of Black slavery in all it's forms and demonic intent, which is to destroy Blacks here and around the world. The push for integration is no joke, especially, here in America, where the order of the day was, complete and total separation - Master, to Servant in White Supremacy or death. ...truth is, some of this knowledge and action was transferred from the Black Continent and Judas sellouts here! Many don't want to admit it and it is for that reason much of the Continent is in turmoil today. Leaders selling the land, minerals and people to 'European Occidental slave masters for crumbs-rooted in greed and selfish, envy of primarily, Ancient Hebrew (Israelites). It's also the cause for much of the confusion among Blacks among themselves here, in America. Once we found out who we were, and began watching the' Nation of Islam under Elijah Mohammad, Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan. I realized something was not right. It had been written the Hunt foundation was behind the scenes financially, using 'Arab Islam' promoting the religion for Creoles, Mulatto's, acceptable Coloreds, Jewish impostors and Christianity to promote Genocide of the true 'Black Israelites', seed of Jacob in Prophecy. The late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated in his last speech, relative to the 'Mountain Top and seeing 'The Promised Land' as a Christian. The Land ( President Elect Donald Trump, stated, before his election ...he would lead America into the Promised Land. Strange, they all want the same land that doesn't belong to them or their kind. This is the same land spoken about in Prophecy! Strange, because this was the same land that was ask about in major news print in the sixties, when 'Reuben, Seed of Jacob, working for 'The Herald Dispatch' Black Newspaper stepped up 'Spiritually' in the physical, 'denounced those Bloodsucking demonic vampires calling themselves Jews' and went to War' defeating them in what is known, as the 'One Day War! In (1968) including Isis and the Hellenic organization of Greeks , Muslims and Shriner's...all wanting the Promised Land including other Nations around the world using deception, talking, knowing the Land didn't belong to them ...they were all defeated as 'Reuben ascended in the 'Rapture Aliyah' walking the Kings High Way to the Jordan, crossing over up stream, leaving Billions of Warriors in Battle at one another's throats. Entering the door of Life We sat on the Throne. Returning to the Office of the Herald Dispatch' and owner Mr Sanford Alexander, I was thrown into jail, beaten beyond all moral perception and charged as being insane, yet, walked out of a White Court room- A Free Man! Asked yourselves,...'What was the Crime?" Today, there are 'Psychiatric Hospitals all over the place, charging black folk with mental illness and crimes never committed, whether in combat service or not, draining insurance companies dry, all because of there insane commitment to 'Esau' who is not entitled to the birthright of Jacob!...trying to kill the Seed of Jacob and Reuben's claim for Justice In Black Israel and the end of Slavery in the form of Land-Separation-Restitution Reparations ( One Hundred Million Billion Trillion, Zillion Dollars and Minerals - Valued compounded interest at the current value rate and growing, including copy Rights and patients. 'Lest We Forget,' A Devil is Still a Low down Dirty Devil in his own house and this, is not, the Black man's house nor System and why a system of talk prevails in 'Showtime!' aided and funded by White Supremacy In Black Judas sellouts-White Protocols in white Zionist pockets'.....give them a show! Reuben seed of Jacob-Sun Son Man-of Simeon-From the Kings High Way... No Fake games-Lies nor Tricks, so don't lay your organization game players at my door!...Supreme Lord of the Living Most High Lord is real here representing no sissies or punks in the Pulpit! Faith in Prophecy and Black Abraham Isaac and Jacob ...Reuben (C) 2/14/2016 Remember-A Zebra never changes it's stripes nor a Leopard it's spots and Black is still Beautiful! Reuben Beckles
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