Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Personal, Up close in spirit of action from the House of Reuben in Black Israel and the door of Life !

If 'Black Lives Matter' then with all due respect, my interest and concerns must be related to truth and spiritual insight, action and wisdom  for self and kind around the world relative to Black slaves of America and a debt owed - rooted in Genocide and free slave labor!  One  hundred million billion, trillion, zillion dollars- in valued money in gold, silver, diamonds, platinum, land, compounded interest at today's rates and growing, along with other' Valued', valuables, such as Copyrights and Patients.  Now that the elections have come and gone and your new 'President Elect in the Person of Donald Trump' has been made let's see how the talk translates in the form of action and for whom.  This being his land, people, culture and system with everything on his plate, there is no doubt in my mind that he and the governing people around him will have to reach a solution concerning the slaves and their black descendants.   Foundation and debt owed in relation to the above claim. This and the Divine knowledge sent to the Justice Department and White House In 1968'  under the 'Johnson Administration his Senate and congress!   ...causing him to step down and leave the office because that phony State of bloodthirsty vampires ( Jewish impostors-decided to take matters into their own hands and steal the Promised lands of Black Israel.  They made their move with weapons of Mass destruction creating the 'ONE DAY WAR ' of 1968 trying to take the Lands beyond the Jordan and were soundly defeated!'  These were and are the Lands of ' Reuben-Gad and half Tribe of Manasseh...True Black Hebrew' Israelites.  How?...By Divine Intervention and..  Sovereignty  ' Of the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High God! It doesn't matter if you believe it or not.   The record will prove the facts and truth coming from the Black house of Reuben Seed of Jacob, Sun Son of Simeon which your out going 'President Obama- couldn't or refused to deal with because he had no Chips to bring to the table.  It's the Same as Louis Farrakhan as a Muslim working for and through the 'Hunt foundation, CIA and Colored Structure, pretending Black, using the Bible to move Black Israelites in this nation into slavery and the' Koran'. If he had so much power why didn't he move some of his warriors from his 'nation of  Islam' to the battle fields of 'Libya' to help his friend, Muammar Gaddafi, as did Fidel Castro  when he helped 'South Africa's Mandela and the ANC to defeat Slavery under Apartheid exposing these Eastern European Zionists impostors and there biological chemical weapons of mass destruction to kill off Black folk, take their lands, identity, along with the rich minerals of Uranium-gold diamonds and Tritium for radio active thermonuclear weapons.  It is my opinion that unless Mr Trump, has the truth and wisdom to  solve the Black Slave situation rooted in our spiritual claim facing this situation and Nation head on like you did running for the Presidential Office and not be swayed by Black, self serving Judas Sellouts and their Colored imps pretending to be Blacks, knowing  Black Justice is on the line. Then you and this  Country are doomed along with these other nation around the world who thought  Blacks were nothing but slaves and fools not worthy to understand...'Black Lives Matter!... There are those of us who have the Chips Land and Minds too sit at the Table of Justice for our people  whose dignity and purpose is not for sale in talk and no action !  God is Supreme Lord and Divine Creator!  No joke-Lies and deceit .    Reuben  Seed of Jacob- Faith in and of Abraham Isaac and Jacob from the Kings Highway  and the Door of Life!  Black is Beautiful and Sovereign as Supreme Lord!  Lest We Forget- A leopard never changes it's spots and the Devil is Still a Low Down Dirty Devil  The Land of Israel is not for Sale!   Reuben  from the Royal House and Land of Israel.                                          Reuben Beckles (C) 11/14/2016


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