Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Why Slavery continues with Blacks on the Bottom going no where-But Trusting with talk and no action for self and kind!

Cultures and nations around the world have learned the hard way... Trust, but show me in active deeds is there mind set.  However, black slavery, the nation within this nation continues in America with Blacks on the bottom trusting any and everybody.  Black leadership and their flock are still believing and trusting in White folk, Colored folk and others to be civilized and give them justice.  The heads take  payoffs.  Set their underlings up to kill one another and in general commit suicide talking Law and Religion...waiting on Jesus!  Critical analysis of  truth should give credit where it's due  knowing Slavery is over,  but the responsibility  of self governing with freedom and justice is beyond them not wanted.   That's why the solution to the racial problems, continues while other nations and people seem to  take the lead for them. Why it's easy for a Colored person to ascend to the Presidency of these United States and do nothing for Blacks and their kind but talk, smile, without a clue as to the real nature of this demonic system for blacks.  Solutions rooted in Reparations, Restitution and Land can't be raised or accepted by monsters who think they are superior.  Only Divine action will move them in this direction!   Slaves claims and their descendants for genocide and free slave labor is rooted in this system  and a debt owed is not a picture they want to view as animals pretending to be civilized and human.  It is my opinion having lived almost eighty five years on the's a game of self hate, selfishness and greed- hatred for God and everything Black.  For the most part, the flock along with the leadership have sold their souls spirit and minds to these Satanic Devils and impostors for money and jobs.  Black Judas sellouts push  Caucasians, Latinos, Coloreds and others as the heirs and rightful  owners  to the Black Birthright as the seed of Jacob! These Judas sellouts are the same as Esau and they know it!  How can a Man of History' Hitler' do what he did too these impostors calling themselves Jews, which is  stated in your Religion as Christians  and you embrace them as So-called Blacks, selling your knowledge and spirits to the very people God is fighting according to Scriptures while killing your own?  The 'Rwanda' situation poses a similar problem as indigenous blacks were being dispossessed  and looked down on by other Blacks who were educated by Europeans to do the dirty work of white folk who wanted  to destroy the people, culture, then take the land.  When the people rose up against them as enemies from within,  they're called terrorist!  Then there is the  International Monetary Funds coming out of the United Nations telling certain African Nations, unless they accept 'Homosexuality they will not be given assistance'.  What kind of nonsense is that?  Charlie Manson, of" Helter Skelter' fame saying," screw it up!  Let Blacks straighten it up!"  Dr King Jr. leads the flock into this burning house so that Jessie Jackson  and others could and did kill him off,  coming up as millionaires in the ' Rainbow Coalition!'  Elijah in (1975) said" after his death, there would be no more Islam".  So what is the Nation doing, but  talking Black.. selling out to Scientology?  My question is as Reuben Seed of Jacob ....what's with all the talk, no action going no where?  My actions while working for the 'Herald Dispatch Newspaper,  Mr Sanford Alexander, was strictly  for self and kind only to find most were  against themselves in particular, Blacks  who had given up their real solution of faith in their God and Prophecy,' the 'Kings Highway and the 'Door of Life!'...  all while I was fighting for them as Black!    'The One Day War In 1968, defeat of Isis and the Phony state of Israel along with those bloodsucking Vampires trying to steal the Promised Lands beyond the Fertile Crescent.  Lands of Reuben Gad and Half Tribe of Manasseh.  My actions must be tied into 'Watts' and jail time. Black freedom' all ear marked for destruction which had nothing to do with Civil Rights-voting Rights!  But Divine Rights. God Given, which was understood by the Evangelical Minister,  Juarez Tiarina  who spoke to a Black Audience in the sixties concerning Reparations for his people here who wanted to return to Mexico.  His appearance was in the Second Baptist Church located  on the EAST SIDE  of Los Angeles, attended by many local leaders which included 'Jim Brown'  Stokely Carmichael' 'Dr  Maulana Karenga' Legon' and others.  Don't take my word for this check the record and ask them. I don't talk just to make noise or  make lite of my Divine Intervention of the Most High.  The Aliyah-Rapture!  From where I sit, I would not be here were it not for that Divine Intervention.  Dr King saw the Land from the Mountain Top, but I was made Heir and crossed over taking the Throne.   It's not  for sale and can't be bought as one of my Sons found out who was in the Navy after I was abandoned by my wife and family.  My Son a  stone warrior under the American Flag found his Father was no Joke and what I am saying, is no joke! The nations around the world have been coveting that land for centuries and can't enter.  Speaking to Black folk, as slaves in this land, how you came to this land and your foundation Is extremely important: " why the talk and no relative action if you claim to know who you are?   By faith as Reuben seed of Jacob Sun Son of Simeon I moved into Black Israel and the 'Prophecy of Abraham Isaac and Jacob as real as the nose on your face.  The  claim of 'Twelve Hundred Million Billion Trillion Zillion Dollars in Gold Silver Diamonds Land and other Valuables with Compounded Interest in Copyrights and Patients Is real and never changes except Interest. This is no Joke! A  Leopard doesn't change it's spots...a pig is still pork, the devil is still a devil.!  "The Supreme Lord of the Living Most High Is!"   (C) 9/29/2016 From the Kings Highway and the door of Life-stay Well-Black is Beautiful!                  Reuben Beckles


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