Divine Wisdom and Insight Concerning black folk arriving in America as immigrants from all over the world hurting because of Black Truth they gave up!
If we play games thinking life is a game trick and a sham with no value-character or valued responsibility, then those Blacks arriving on the shores of America as partakers of the American dream-standing on the foundation of Blacks, who think they're free, yet, are in big trouble. You know they're nothing more than economical -political cannon fodder, being used like the animals. You think by standing and living aloof with a smile and envy on your faces which turns to hate when you find we're not asleep but paid an awesome price just to be alive as descendants of the slaves you helped to sellout from the continent. At this point I will just say that history-Black truth and history, will speak for it's self as you stand on a foundation of insane inhumanity and hell built by slaves coming from the same part of the world as you. In your quest for economical freedom and political acceptance you never thought you would have to pay the tremendous price you are now paying and will continue to pay for selling out the Spirit, Land and it's people to enter this land and system because you thought you were free and white' trading the best of everything on the planet earth-(God Given) like Esau, thought the blessing had no value! Today, many of you, now that your eyes have been opened are claiming,' we're all the same-Brothers and Sisters trying to turn your skins white like your minds, as you find Judas sellouts all over the place, shook up when you learn 'The Supreme Lord Of The Living Most High God' that you and your Brothers in White Supremacy' thought was nothing is alive and well. Blessings you thought was dead, 'In Black Israel' with Knowledge, Truth Experience and Wisdom you found over your heads unable to deal with. Following the Coloreds, Creoles, Mulatto's and Whites as apart of there culture in a political Coalition of Integration and death you hoped would be the demise of 'Divine Black Truth!' What do you do now after given up the land, birthright and truth you knew in Prophecy as the Slaves and foundation you are standing on in Black, has a Spiritual Divine Claim of Over ' Twelve Hundred Million Billion Trillion Dollars and counting, in Gold-Silver, Diamonds Copyrights, Patients and other valuables with compounded Interest-based on Free Slave Labor! Not coming to this land of our own free will- destroying our Identity -Culture Language Family in Chains and Shackles. Burned, Castrated, lynched, dehumanized. Beaten, tricked lied too on and about to this very day. Black Judas sellouts from all over the world use the 'Constitution ' telling the foundation of Blacks, who made their freedom possible, that it's not politically correct to speak in terms befitting the acts of monsters because it might offend the Slave Masers! ...to which I asked- where were you sissies when these monsters, being the salvages they are, you now claim as brothers? They were doing every bestial thing known to the animal kingdom?! It took our Faith-Mind Body Spirit and Soul in the Spirit Of the Living God along with Divine Intervention to come from under his demonic, selfish, greedy, destruction. Today, you can talk about 'love everybody' can't we all just get along?' Hell No! I'm moving In concert with the truth in Black Prophecy and Faith in the building of our Spiritual home in Abraham Isaac and Jacob! ...knowing these Men were about faith and belief in God! They were Not God!' But believed in God! Yours truly, as Reuben Seed of Jacob, because of Action taken, by belief and faith, could never have survived the ordeal laid on my mind heart and soul-laid in my lap knowledge and wisdom, to be acted upon in the form of Watts- broken Home and family- walking the Kings Highway- War of (1968) ...The dethroning of Isis and defeat of the European Zionist and White Impostors, Calling themselves Jews in a Land that's not theirs and never was! The Educational-Economical Political and Spiritual games being played across the board by Blacks here and around the world is very dangerous if not committed to truth and real justice. They will be caught in the Tsunami of time and death with no future in the arms of Isis, Satan and the 'Book of the dead...not the Door of Life!...nor the return of Christ because it requires divine wisdom and truth in Just Action. (C) 8/19/2016 Reuben-Seed of Jacob Sun son Man of Simeon and Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Stay well-Black is Beautiful as is Israel- truth and prophecy! "Lest We Forget' Supreme Lord Of the Living God -Is!.. and Satan the Devil is Still the Devil and a pig is still pork! Talk with no real action-will end with nothing! Solution Reparations Restitution Land ! Reuben Beckles
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