Critical Analysis-Spiritual Truth ad Divine Wisdom in Action relative too Black Slaves in America!
Black Slaves and their descendants living in America in the Twenty First Century, can no longer pretend ignorance -deny their foundation and status claiming to love everybody while on the bottom of the ladder of this bestial Society, claiming freedom for all it's people, knowing that doesn't include you as Blacks across the landscape. If this isn't a statement of fact...why special laws and legislation?...'Civil Rights' -Voting Rights- Housing acts-so-call Church-school and commerce laws all based on your acceptance of the 'status quo' and death of integration rooted in this nations ( Colored System) which cuts you off from your History and Foundation. You join this nations arm services to fight it's wars under White Supremacy and when you realize you're fighting yourself and kind but sees your woman as the prize to plant his seed and fulfill his insane destiny of destruction and chaos! ...ending with the Black Males total destruction-because Black will be unable to produce himself and kind dying from the 'Master Plan' called disease of the mind' with no purpose, language land or future being striped of the very essence of life. Just finished reading Sundays Newspaper where USC is giving ' College programs to returning 'Military Warriors' teaching them how to adapt to College and study effectively in a democracy-themed seminar! But now check this goodie out. These Military folk are required to think and respond when asked a question by there instructor. however, in the Military, you don't're told what to do-how to do it-when to do it on Command!...from what I can see these are white folk teaching white folk to think!' What in the Hell do you think is happening to the multitude of blacks serving ( Their Country)? If ' Black Lives Matter' According to so-called Black leadership across the board and Black condition with all the Marching, talk, killings dying's- broken homes are still taking place, then there is no doubt in my mind that these Judas Sellouts are the Devils, working strong, for these White Satanic Monsters! ...telling Blacks to Love everybody- so that we can witness en mas-the complete genocide and murder of Blacks here and on the continent of Africa by one of the oldest free Republics on the Planet (Ethiopia) welcoming and giving praises too the top leader representing that bloodsucking Vampire State of so- called Israel-knowing as do the United Nations and the United States that they are not from Jacob seed! ...they're White Caucasians! Ethiopia's entire Parliament are a lying bunch of hypocritical Judas punks who have destroyed themselves! Being a part of them from the culture and land as Black men and women they cannot and will not do, as we do here. Fight for our Justice and freedom. We make the 'Divine Claim ' of Twelve Hundred Billion Trillion Dollars in Land Gold Sliver Diamonds and other Valuables still counting with compounded Interest! They too will pay to Divine Justice, Just like the rest on the continent and here, under Divine Law! All these folk who think they can lie steal promote Slavery and other crimes and get away accepting benefits under the pretext of innocence will find themselves in a situation they don't believe and didn't see coming, blinded by envy selfishness and greed! Action in time- On Time ! Love self and kind-Black is Beautiful-Stay well in faith and truth..."Lest We Forget ' A pig is Still Pork and a Leopard never changes it's Spots and you can bet, "The Devil in Satan Is Still Devil!! From the Kings High way and the Door of Life' I Am Reuben Seed of Jacob- Sun Son- In Black Israel No Lie No Game and no Trick The Supreme Lord of the living Most High God ' Is! Faith In Prophecy of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and you can take my truth to the Bank in Action!! (C) 8/10/2016 Reuben Beckles
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