Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Real war being played out on a universal global plane not elsewhere But right here on America soil-U.S.

Critical analysis and judgment concerning Black Slaves interment and purpose.  Within the DNA of those Blacks and their descendants who were captured and bought to this land against their will is Gods Prophecy, plan and purpose.  This is known by many of your so-called leaders in the Disciplines of  Chemistry,  Mathematics', Law, History, Spirituality and Prophecy!  The destruction of the Slaves Culture, Language, families , Lynching's, Hangings and Castrations are not by accident anymore than Blacks who hate themselves and are unable to get along with one another.  Incompatibility and getting the Fathers out of the homes across the land is no joke but a planned system, controlled and implemented by Black Judas sellouts,...White demonic Satanic bloodthirsty vampires pretending Human Status while using  those in 'secret societies-of Eastern Stars and Fraternal Orders-in your Colleges, Universities and Religious Houses unknown to the innocence until they join... either the sisterhood or brotherhood!  To be accepted from 'Captive Slave Status-fighting for real Freedom and Justice you're given a promotion of 'burial integration ( Usury)'... into the Police Department or  Arm Forces in service for the Country and peoples who despise, hate, and use you and everyone looking like you.  The Indians, whom you helped to destroy on this land who once took you in knowing who you were and your history now want nothing to do with you or your insane acts of destroying them and other lands  cultures and peoples-pretending high morality collecting funny money under the Devils protection, promising  them your White Supreme decadent masters, your undying loyal support! them your lives-mind-spirit and woman folk across the board.  Judas Sellouts have been so successful giving of themselves and knowledge to their, creation, they began to see themselves as Gods doing whatever pleased them-telling the world' we're all the same- spreading their word and insanity to Yellow, Red , Brown, White even to members of their own.  Their Motto' Jesus-God, 'Died for us All!'...doesn't matter What you do-love every body!'  ...pure insanity with Black female Mothers hating themselves and the Fathers, who gave them and the Children the Seed of life which they don't want!  Mourning for Chaos  and destruction in Sodom and Gomorra- telling the world that the White male who Shot them down like dogs in their House of Worship was okay-because as, Christians, they were taught to 'love and forgive' they, in a court of Law love and forgave him as a low down pre -meditated killer!  And what of the late President Kennedy and Johnson, killing up some Asians of Vietnam,   claiming they torpedo some American ships with canoes!  Causing President Johnson who knew the madness of the truth behind the impostors calling themselves Jews of Israel in the scriptures.  There relation to the sellouts within the Black Church.  Their involvement to kill the seed of  Jacob and take the Lands of Israel with there invasion, ( causing the One Day War of (1968) ending in failure and his resignation in stepping down from the office of the White House and Power of the Western World.  If Love is on the table for everyone and they all for the most, part hate Black' why are they all converting to what they think is Judaism and Israelites?  The Scriptures  is a Black Spiritual Book about Black folk and there relation to the world being played out in todays world as Caucasian Whites who were never apart of Black Israel.  Today, this truth has come to lite with many in the Black communities across  the American Landscape having disastrous affects in many case, especially, among the youth who are being given Sorcery, Witchcraft and Book Of the Dead knowledge by older males and females who want nothing to do with Black, Justice and Freedom.  Opting for death with their White Brothers and Sisters not believing 'you reap what you sow'.  They are fools not to be trusted and will not inherit the Blessings of Land , Reparations and Restitution in Prophecy causing many to bleach their skins white-cursing and fighting members of their own families- involved with non-life producing activities within with in gay-lesbian system of death!  Are these situations known to your Leadership, especially, Black?...Yes!  Take that to the Bank....the Devil like the Leopards spots, never changes and Armageddon  is real like the Faith in Prophecy...Abraham Isaac and Jacob!  Reuben Seed of Jacob coming from the Kings Highway and the door of Life, Cross the Jordan-Land Coveted by the World,  not theirs.  Not for Sale!  Trump, like Obama, will never get you there.  That too-you can take to the Bank 'Supreme Lord of the living Most High God!  (C)  then ask yourselves after the anger subsides...where were you when 'Reuben moved into action?  What did you do for Prophecy and your God when Reuben was taken in the Rapture  Aliyah and given the Land beyond the Jordan?   And why do so many Nations  and peoples around the world who hate you Mexicans French Creoles  Mulattoes just to name a few,  now claim too love and respect you?  To those who are for problem, but beware of the' wolves in sheep's clothing!'  No Lie No Game and no Trick!  6/21/2016  Stay Well-Love Self and Kind and don't be fooled by talking Pimps who feel nothing for truth and the Divine Creator!                            Reuben Beckles  


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