Strange things are taking place to the American Negro Black Slaves being told he is the true Hebrew Israelites-Talk is Cheap !
There is a measure of truth to this Blog Headline! Where were all these folk who now seem to be claiming they are Hebrew Israelites? Talk without action means nothing! There seems to be no connection relative to the foundation of this country. The Laws and religions they're steeped in and the language we speak. The Bible, Scriptures concerning Prophecy of Moses, Abraham Isaac and Jacob has been staring us in the face for along time as was the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High God. We have been lead to believe The Book is a poison Book by Muslims advocates, Christian ministers and leaders who see the book as a way to control and make money from the ignorance and innocence who were taken advantage of during Slavery and the depths within there bestial control! These are the same folk who were responsible for your arrival here in chain and shackles to speak one language working and creating for them as monster bloodsucking vampires-calling themselves Jews-while the Book a Spiritual Book to be read and interpreted by those created and blessed by the Living Most High and put into action by the Spiritual Eye within the Divine purpose!..."in the Book- the final chapter' you're Rich, yet Poor! This is because of those folk calling themselves Jews but are impostors-from within the Synagogue of Satan who not only have Black on the Bottom but bought off many of the Judas sellouts in Islam-Christianity, House of Judea during the time of the Sanhedrin Council. So when you hear certain information coming from the lips of Creoles, Mulattoes, colored blacks about Hebrew Israelites be not be fooled because many have sold their Souls and Spirit out for Jobs and Thirty Pieces of Gold and Silver so that when the Spirit and Gods chosen make their move to enter the 'Promised Lands Of True' Black Israel they too( the Judas Sellouts want to be apart of that Number, not wanting to pay the price of Usury-Trickeration and Deception! Christ said," Go ye not in the Way of the Samaritan's or Gentile but to the Lost found Sheep( Of Israel). What about Esau and his relation to Jacob? The Birthright was never Esau's so the act of denying then selling the Birthright to Jacob becomes very profound when envy and jealousy is taught by your learn Elders concerning the theft of a birthright that already belonged to Jacob! Today as we are told we are all 'Israel'...we're all the same they LIE! I don't believe it for a minute-we're not the same and we're not all fighting for the Divine Cause of freedom and Justice relative to Truth Land Restitution Reparations and Separation-not integration which is Spiritual in movement unseen! This is why...Talk Is Cheap-with no meaning in action! Most of these talking folk, Black White Brown Yellow or Red will never make a move to destroy Satan-in that fake state called Israel! They Hate God in Black love the Devil in White and the Colors in Deception!.....If you think this is deception on my part as Reuben-Seed of Jacob' whom they said, 'would never excel-unstable as water and was cursed, 'shows me Satan is forever using a lie to cover the Truth trying to use Black as Caucasian acts of deceit and deception, so that when the real act of solution coming from Black by Black, Blacks would be so busy disbelieving and hating themselves there would be no righteous movement toward their own freedom in faith-because you are looking for a White savior or any one or color, but Black! Along comes Reuben with the righteous Spirit (Walking the Kings Highway-Watts On Fire!' White Colored Isis tried taking Reuben's Soul and Spirit using Sorcery, witch Craft and the Book of the Dead-through Egypt-Ethiopia-Greek spiritually; Vatican and the United Nations. White Blood thirsty vampires of White So-called Israel was defeated in the 'One Day War In 1968. Isis was dethroned and America is tumbling down hoping Black Slaves Israelites who never sold out their land and birthright coveted by the world and are owed a tremendous debt will save her! Action taken by Reuben in the Spirit of truth and success living in America was not to be known or recognized. Those in authority had us beaten kicked stumped, lied on and about hoping for my death while in custody only to find it wasn't and didn't happen. What these lying, thieving sissies found' Reuben had been chosen by God of the Living Most High 'to do these things acts and more for the Black Nation having a family, that the Nation and people at large claim to have knowledge of but their lack of belief and inaction they refused to move leaving Reuben to do the work and pay the price for the Black nation who refused to show themselves worthy. Now fine themselves on the late show, claiming that which they are not willing to fight for!...wanting nothing to do with Reuben! be it. God is real and Black is Beautiful. The cross over in the Rapture and Aliyah has been made and Reuben took the Throne beyond the Great River Jordan-Black State and Land of Israel! Prophecy of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and you can take that to the Bank'. God Is! Soul to Soul Spirit to Spirit...Faith in truth Can't be Bought and Not For Sale ! No Trick Lie and No Game! (C) 6/6/2016 Stay Well, Love self and Kind...and No, we're Not all the Same and Prophecy is real! Reuben Seed of Jacob Sun Son of Simeon....A Leopard never changes it's Spots- a Elephant is still heavy and a Pig is still Pork! Reuben Beckles
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