Moment of Truth with Introspection-Family Affairs and Divine Analogical Action!...In Black!
Legacy for and towards future of Black Slaves and descendants living in America given by God of the living Most High to the Man-King of Israel, Jacob Seed, in the House and Land Of Reuben. (Divine intervention-real and true solution. "It's a debt owed-with compounded Interest. A legacy, within the Nation! This is the real meaning of the Sixties( Value-hope-future, Justice in Land, Restitution Reparations!) If Black Men and Women were to stop this insane madness of loving every body through integration and forgiveness you'll find justice in action, loving self and kind while moving with a Legacy on a foundation that has no equal. You'll find that these color Black pretenders promoting White supremacy' have given up on Black and sold you out and continue to sell you out to the highest bidder. These Judas sellouts don't want Land and Restitution in Justice, they want your Spiritual Birthright. What you have coming in the form of Reparations to live comfortably in this Demonic Nation with, You ,on the Bottom! Integration to them mean they can keep hope alive keeping you at one another's necks. Creating havoc between Male and Females in family's fighting. Mother's Daughters and Son-with no Fathers, they hate! This allows organizations of demonic servitude to plan your demise giving you rotten foods unhealthy water and neighbor hoods of violence and mistrust, pushing you to the edge of insanity while they use your identity as Black! The so-called Age of Aquarius' has brought forth knowledge of you-rejected by you. You don't even question whether what you're being told and shone is correct! In most cases your Fathers are nothing -women haters and abusers...criminals! Mom is everything, can do no wrong. You at some point find her wrong but don't have the balls to admit the truth, too him-the Father! At the root of this insanity is White Supremacy' thinking he's God!...she hates herself, color, hair, lips and condition. In many cases he, the Male, won't step up( Putting her in her place as a female woman! She raised him under the protection of Married White Supremacy' thinking she's as much Man as Man ...God? Her Pimp standing in the pulpit tells her come to his religious house if he doesn't -leave him!...same thing happens in the courts of Law...why the jails are so full ...of Men and Women! This is what happens when truth comes to a people and it's rejected. Sellout is easy= Rev. Jessie Jackson( Nation Building Time...I Am Somebody! opened his hands relative too Rainbow coalition-Money in hand no Nation! ( Elijah Mohammad 'Their would be no Nation after him= Farrakhan and Scientology. The Urban League-NAACP...the list goes on. Now you're Mad because you have nothing for self or kind or on coming generations. Yet, the God given Legacy in the Sixties remains" A debt owed ' with compounded interest in the form of Reparations Restitution and Land! You fight yourselves while hating yourselves to benefit someone else is insanity. Introspection/Critical analogical Act. (C) 2/10/ 2016 Reuben Seed Of Jacob- Man, Sun Son of Simeon. Faith in action from the Kings Highway-A legacy found and acted on. Faith of Abraham Isaac Jacob. A Devil Is Still A Devil! Pig is Still Pork and a Leopard doesn't change it's spots! Reuben Beckles-
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