Meaning behind Free Slave Labor the Long knife Armagedon Islam and the Catholic Church in Judea'
One would think with all the talk about the nobility of religion-secret societies-Mosques Synagogues and Churches in these U.S. of America the balance of life in the lite of Truth Justice and Equality would all reign supreme from the bottom up and across the nation. In reality it's a gigantic cesspool of lies deceit and deception geared for the destruction of a certain group and leanage known as Black Israelites( Hebrews from the seed of Jacob relative to prophecy in the faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob-Known too and by them as 'The Living Most High God!"...who is known to have over one hundred names...the last known only to the Camel. Check the record you'll fine present day impostor's calling themselves Jews like the Arab Muslin in America and across the world-even in Christianity, do not recognize Isaac and Jacob in Prophecy! They recognize Esau and Ishmael ( The Money Tree In Oil)... and first born in Isaac (Deception, relative to the real history and the Birthright belonging to Jacob! The Black Judas Sellouts was the denunciation of Christ and the resurrection of the Spirit and Body. The stealing of the real Hebrews Culture and Birthright. The raising of White Supremacy with the knowledge and help of Judas who wanted (Reuben's Birthright in Israel) giving the world Israel, Black and White. Not Lite, but Skin, which would give the Aryan Nomads a foundation they never had until they came in contact with Black! This created the various movements of Zionism-Ashkenazim and Sephardi. Why the Pope on his visit to America, called this the nation 'The Great Experiment'. The experiment was and is Black Folk and the denial of themselves in Chains and Shackles. Black Slaves were brought to this land engineered and promoted by Black Judas Sellouts. The Moors, who don't consider themselves Black was given free reign by Egypt. The Vatican-Egypt-ISIS and Ethiopia all played major roles in the destruction of Black Civilization and the rise of White Supremacy. Let's be for real. Greed lust selfishness, envy along with jealousy was the prime force driving the great experiment to steal the land culture language and everything belonging to Black Slaves. To teach the slaves to read and write, learning anything about self and kind was a crime punishable by Hanging ( Death) in Christ! In the sixties the "Civil Rights Movement had become known as the 'Church and Black College Student non-violent Movement! This is where weird and insane situations came into play because Black Colleges at the time were not Black institutions for Blacks ( Slaves). These were institutions set in place by the White Man's woman for his Bastard Children. Fathered by her White Man. Thus...Creoles Mulattoes Octoroons Qua drones-anything but Black. Today, the White Man has his Sons and Daughters claiming they're Black...trying to disown them. White doesn't produce Black and he claims to love his image but produces everything but with few exceptions trying to keep Black folk, in Check! This is why you have integration and so much weird stuff going down! Why White Zionist so-call Jews do what they do as Impostor's being nothing more than European Caucasians. Colored folk know this truth along with others trying to live Black, around Black, in Masons, Shriner's -Jesuits and Ethiopians in the Catholic Church. Eastern Stars along with a whole host of other folk and nations whose job it is to watch and mislead Blacks so that when the time comes and the word given, Black slaves are to be wipe off the planet and those blacks who are left including Judas sellouts, are to submit to Satan which they already have and White Supremacy! Oop's ! The whole 'Conspiracy to Commit God Killing' in prophecy ' back fired in the Sixties.' These ' Bloodsucking vampire punks and sissies here and around the world were up set,, amazed and confused when Yours Truly, Reuben, Seed of Jacob Man Sun -Son of Simeon came through By Faith in the Spirit. Showing them all, they're just a bunch of Lying sissies and Punks. Hypocrites of the highest order. Around the world their plans failed! They brought about their own demise in Armageddon! We don't want their women-Land or Children to replace our Children and identity! Those who partook in this massive scheme will reap what they have sown! The so- called war against Isis, like Vietnam is a sham!...Korea creating situations for Black slaves to fight in wars not of their own making- giving them jobs selling narcotics to destroy the nation and people while one of their own is sent into a so-called Black Church to pray then shoots down some folk representing an entire congregation-saying Amen...'we for give you" That's so far removed from Black thought that it's pitiful! Soul to Soul -Spirit to Spirit ; Black is Beautiful! Love Self and Kind! Black Power in Land, Self Love - Restitution and Reparations!(C) No Lie Trick or Game! Plot to Destroy Blacks across the Planet failed-Our demands in Justice laid out By The Supreme Lord Of the Living Most High-Can't fail and Prophecy Is Real! 1/14/2016 Reuben Seed of Jacob-Man Sun-Son Of Simeon in the Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob! Believe in Action or Not! Trying to Destroy the Divine Creator because you want the Divine Creation in Black is pure folly! Demands are Just or there will be nothing left but the Divine Creation and His Created !" Black Power...Leopard doesn't change it's spots and a devil is still a devil! Reuben Beckles
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