Giving Thanks For Critical Thinking In Action-From DNA to Present Day and Time
I give thanks for who and what I am to 'The Supreme Lord Of the Living Most High God' My Father Mother, as "Reuben Seed Of Jacob in Divine Prophecy. Alton Maddox Attorney for the path to 'Critical Thinking and Mr. Sanford Alexander of the Herald Dispatch! Exposing me to Truth and Action. Others, too numerous to mention as I believe in giving Credit where it's due. I recognize the truth of My foundation and the Roots of Slavery it represents here in America in chains and shackles. all it's attending ills. As a consequent speaking one language! what's the problem ? Slavery is still in full effect but in a different form. Education, Politics Religion, Finances relative to the Continent and Land of the Blacks! One of the main Critical Problems relative to Black thought is that, so called 'Black leadership across the board in the homes don't see themselves as Black with conscience ability to move in action benefiting self and kind. No other folk on the planet talk as much and act on such foolishness as do Negro 'wannabe Black folk and at the end of the day end up with nothing but integration and talk at the feet of other nations who come to these shores taking care of their business...while Negro Blacks, talk, moan and groan-Cry woo is me, even while some of us put our minds, spirits and soul on the line for truth and real freedom! What then is the Solution to an obvious problem?! Admit-you are the problem You don't love yourselves and kind. You want integration to be White Caucasian, something you're never be. Bleach can't help you! You're married, but as Men, you don't have a help mate or a woman willing to help you channel your children's minds and acts into real freedom with Land and the ability to create jobs and a future for self and kind where you and family are responsible! As it is now-Male men are just played as are Female Women-removed from the homes so that the Man is shone he's of no value-nothing languishing in a life of Jail-Homeless on dope or in some distant land fighting for something he calls Freedom while his so-called black woman does the bidding of white folk as their lover which includes having his children in your name! If they are yours, she'll hide them refusing your input...receiving certain knowledge through the religious houses or secret societies with the perception of raising them for a Nation of free men and (to their detriment-because they'll never find out who they are until it's too late( behind bars!) ...listening to Creoles Mulattoes Octoroons, Jesuits and Judas sellouts controlling the Catholic Church. White Money and White thought in the Nation of Islam-pretending to be Black! Bishops and Negros wannabe Black Clergy in the so-called Black church taking your Hard earned Capital-pimping you week after week in the name of Jesus. They shoot you and your children down-leaving you weeping 'Black Lives Matter!'....If they really Matter, why are you hating their Father? Why are you raising every one Else's children but your own-knowing these other Nationalities hate you? ...Trying to prove integration? Where is the real communications between Black Male and Female when you talk Finances then enter a business and beauty salon owned and operated by Asians and buy fake wigs-finger nails while getting your feet done as a bonus knowing these folk don't accept your Man but embrace (you) with open arms! Just an example of pure folly in my Journey of Critical Analysis of Black thought and action to the detriment of 'Black folk' with no positive Solution!...Still Slavery! Eye's don't see-Mind not functioning! If you know the truth and must fight for it...Stand on your own! Do away with integration and look at your real foundation. ( How were we brought to this Land and for What Purpose?) After all the Hell-who built the foundation of this land after given one language. When were you paid and why is a debt still owed to the slaves and the ancestry or do you feel we're all the same? If so, keep talking, but don't knock on my door! At a certain point in time I know things cannot and will not remain the same. I believe I know, like the Spiritual truth of Abraham Isaac and Jacob God is real. Check my record, I know because of personal action taken by faith. I also know there is a time for talk to end and personal responsibility to begin for real. Justice and freedom will end this insanity as was the case with and in my Spiritual Rapture-Aliyah against Isis and these Black Judas sellouts and their White Zionist Bloodsucking Vampire Brothers, calling themselves Jews! All this will be wiped out...this is not just talk-leave that to the imposter's and phony players-but I will tell you and the world of truth and knowledge Satan, the Vatican-Egypt and Ethiopia are playing for real and so is the (Supreme Lord of The Living Most High God! They want Jacob Seed and Birthright-keeping the people poor and dumb! Action by Reuben, caused them all to fail!... Seed of Jacob(C) 1/11/2016. From the door of Life and the Kings High Way' Love Self and Kind... Sun Son of Simeon -Man! Restitution Reparation Land! Reuben Beckles
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