Yes I Meant it! Black is Beautiful-from the Divine Creation and his foundation Up!
As Reuben, Seed of Jacob Sun of Simeon-from a Son into Manhood and one who has lived life been Blessed to have traveled the Kings Highway-saved from the clutches of death by the Supreme Lord of the living Most High God I can and do affirm from the Square of time into the Circle of 360 degrees traveling East West North and South-into the Diamond to square it and return to my foundation on the square-that I did not use a knife gun or any weapon touch any Man Woman or Child, yet, was able to cross over the Jordan into the Spiritual and Divine Zone of Israel and Land into the House of Reuben before being Judged from the bowels of the earth and finding the Kings Highway!...only to return to these United States, my point of departure and into their Justice system of Laws-beaten beyond all moral perception and called sick and insane! After a period of time released having committed no crime other than to state who I am and that across this land all Blacks are not Black and have a profound hatred of and for themselves. This includes the Judas Sellouts as their leaders. They feel nothing about 'Black being Beautiful ' entitled to Justice and real freedom in the form of Restitution-Reparations and Land. From their point of Origin-Land of the Blacks, called Africa today, from whence they came... they were beaten and enslaved-worked from Sun up to Sun down without their consent! Today, they are entitled to reparations with compounded interest. However, they are being tricked, used and fooled into believing they're free under the Constitution and Civil Rights!...with no Justice, Land or Freedom only to give their lives for White Supremacy and the demise of family and Black Children with other Blacks who hate themselves telling them (forget the Past-get an Education-join the system of Bloodsucking vampires and impostors with the right to get a job! However, if you do anything of value that can be Copyrighted or register a patent it still belongs to the Slave Masters and if contested-they give you a Black face for representation ending in deception with no Justice! But here's the trick-Black faces-white bodies in the minds of Judas and the Satanic scumbags and impostors wait until anything Black and valuable is on the table (Male and Female) will have their hands out saying...give me my share knowing they aren't entitled to anything! They live and breathe White having given their Spirit Mind and Soul to these Bloodsucking vampires and benefactors of White Supremacy who hate everything Black-pretending they Love Black. Yes "Black Is Beautiful"...but not all Blacks believe it as they prefer to be anything other than Black knowing they have no rights or too claim anything of value that's coming to Black in Justice-relevant to the Divine order of things. Satan was thrown out of Heaven to which they are apart, same as Adam and Eve and the Devil is Still a Devil-A Leopard doesn't change it's Spot-a Zebra doesn't change it's Strips and a Pig is Still Pork! (C) 11/23/2015 I am Reuben from the Seed of Jacob and the Kings Highway by Faith in Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Sun Son of Simeon-Black Power and Black is Still Beautiful-Take that to the Bank! No Game Trick or Lies! Reuben Beckles
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