Soverienty and Justice not change up with two Masters-Slavery or Freedom?
This system lies, game playing, usury and pretense will leave you in the dark as frustrated slaves-begging, doing for others hating yourselves, with no future and purpose! Can't have two masters pretending something for nothing no righteous spiritual foundation and land upon which to create, love build for self and kind. Slave Masters in this system, on this land, will have you believe this land and system of trickery is theirs to give you the slaves -non citizens, a Constitution and freedom where you march and beg them for the right too vote and die for him and his kind because of his white pale skin and funny money that's going up in smoke, like them who used you and your kind, to take this land and others around the world to build their empire. You and your kind were brought to these shores in Chains and Shackles with knowledge and free slave Labor. Built the foundation of this nation which him and his kind call the greatest country in the world...( His world! His world and how he does business. He buys your so-called leaders and they must do his bidding, to the detriment of Black you!) The reason they have been able to destroy many Black folk here and the world, is because of the Black Judas sellouts. The continued fight of Black Spiritual warriors whom he calls Crazy Terrorist, is his headache, knowing that they White Supremacists are non-believers of the faith-Spiritual Faith! Pretender's. This is one of the reasons they choose not to give or address the issue of (Restitution for Free slave Labor -Reparations and Land)! His Greed Selfishness lies, deceit and ability to organize usury of deception and bribery has kept him living well with his Army, Law a politics and control of the money system- with his picture staring you in the face to say nothing of his method to deceive as an impostor in the name of Brotherhood and Love of Jesus-which in truth-he doesn't give a damn so long as he gets his way as Blood Sucking Vampires! The Chaos which they created is coming too an end. He's going mad trying to hold' Black folk' in check as a buffer between him and his kind! You can't serve two Masters. He knows it! Your deliverance...Spiritual Rapture, Aliyah!... they call crazy talk, until they examine the physical action that became-Spiritual and Divine By Reuben, Seed of Jacob Sun Of Simeon, Crossing over the Jordan -Walking The King's Highway. and because of it-yours truly, was called insane taken into their system of Hospital and Court. Beaten-to wallow in pain on concrete floors only to be released a free Man-because they couldn't fight the Spirit of 'Divine intervention' and Black Truth In Action! Black To Black-Soul To Soul-Spirit To Spirit In the God Force !I Am-No Trick no Lie No Game! (C) 8/28/2015 Love is Black Power!! Reuben Beckles
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