Zebra never changes it's stripes nor a Leapard it's spots-what makes you think praying Negroe's will change the Devils telling us a Pig eating garbage somehow changes the DNA in Pork!
You would think time and experience would bring about a greater understanding of knowledge and wisdom relative to the Black man's understanding of his History in America. But in the present day situation Black folk and the shooting of (9) praying Citizens in the Historic Black African American Church we witnessing Black and White folk living in denial witnessing the highest form of folly and insanity. Holding hands praying to a White Jesus-their Savior, who walked through the door with a history of White Supremacy behind him a smile on his demonic face, he came to kill them all...and he meant what he said-blowing them all away except one! " He was tired of Black Men raping white women taking over America and southern culture: white privilege! " Can you Imagine this insanity! How dumb and stupid have white folk become? How insane have Black Negroes become to go along with this foolishness, changing the truth of History before our very eyes? It was President Lincoln who told the Ancestors of the African Church he did not believe in Equality and the two peoples should Separate-it was the African Methodist Church and other religious entities who wanted nothing to do with Lincoln's reality, instead the Church fought to remain in this system of Slavery under White supremacy featuring a white Jesus and all that followed which included the death of (9) members within the church. Family church members holding hands-talking love unconditional, we forgive you!...opening the door for more insanity while the F.B.I calls the act "a Hate crime". The Colored President( Obama-talks about eradicating the use of Guns! Is that insane or what...hell the entire land mass and culture of indigenous peoples were wiped out( With Guns) ! Slavery and the Africa continent was raped and mutilated for the benefit of the Black Judas sellouts in the Church along with these Blood Sucking Vampires of Zionism-Sephardi Ashkenazim converts so-called Jews-who raped the women giving birth to Mulattoes-Creole octoroons for a pale white Jesus through the Catholic Church and wealth in money, condemning every thing Black to be of no value other than death and destruction! It was this same pale face monster whom they called Jesus that many a Black woman slept with had Children for in the South. For along time she and this white monster held sway over the Black Man to which white females benefited while Black males were lynched, castrated, given deceases, put in jails and prisons killed for just looking at a white woman. Both Black woman and White females know this truth. These white folk are now trying to lay at the feet of Black men, rapes and situations that won't wash, any more than saying Black Lands of Jacob's Israel in Prophecy belong to Caucasians-they're lying Bloodsucking- money hungry hypocrites and they know it! Today, the entertainment arena and money making institutions in the field of Sports are being replaced by Blacks from central-south America and the African continent who don't consider themselves as Black and don't give a damn concerning the foundation of the American Blacks having no connection to the suffering endured by Blacks born in this demonic system. Forget the past they say -move on! The problems with these Black-Brown-Red and yellow punk sissies is that they have decided to help destroy Blacks here, while integrating as White. They're not standing for truth, opting to live in denial! But God is Good...God is Great and the I Am Is! When the time came forth and truth to be made plain action was needed to let these punk Satanic forces know who was in control and let the world know that prophecy in Black was and is real! It was yours truly a Black Man who stepped up from the foundation and twelve Articles of Faith -a Pisces in truth of Abraham- Isaac- Jacob who came forth from "Watts" Defeated Isis in Her Book of the Dead-Trying to block my entry into the "Door of Life" and the King's High Way' Destroyed the Army of Israeli imposter's, Army of Vampires -so Called Israel trying to cross over the Jordan into the House Of Reuben-Gad and Half Tribe Of Manasseh and take the Land- God Given, claiming it under their satanic ruler ship and land of Discovery! They're nothing but a bunch of lying sissies and hypocrite same as these Black Judas sellouts thinking they would never be exposed in their so called secret societies and religious houses! That's why I say 'Don't Knock On My Door With Foolishness and a Game-I'm Not At Home-No game Or Trick Here! You want nothing to do with Justice in Reparations, Restitution and Land... go find your melting pot in integration with Judas and your pale White Jesus Loving every body-regardless! My truth is in my Action and a price paid when no body else came forth to claim anything relative to prophecy in the Aliyah-Rapture, not as a thief hiding, looking to get something for nothing! Anonymous Proxy (C) Reuben-6/22/2015 Seed of Jacob-Sun Son Of Simeon In Faith The Devil Is Still A Devil and a Pig Is Still Pork. This is why so many folk are walking around dead... in Denial! Reuben Beckles
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