Marching to achieve equality and unfinished business- game to destroy Black folk!
The destruction and looting going on in Iraq was and is set-up by White Zionist calling themselves Jews and Gentiles to promote White Supremacy in that region and around the world with the aid of Black Judas sellout-Ministers and Bishops here in America's black communities. What is going on in the East is an attempt to wipe out any and all identification of Black history in the form of antics relics and archives. There was a very profound professor in African and Islamic Studies-Political Science and Sharia Law-who also Hosted the African, on National television. Noted as one of the Top Intellectuals in the world...his name 'Dr Ali Mazrui" born in Kenya! He stated, Islam would not be destroyed from without but from within. We are witnessing that today because they too want to be White within the ranks of the west-selling out the East while eliminating any and all things Black! This is the same position taken in this nation under the genocide efforts in the sixties called the Civil Rights Movement, now called ( Marching to Achieve Unfinished Business!) The reason for failure here and in the East is because of the Owner-Publisher of the Herald Dispatch Newspaper( Mr Sanford Alexander) who knew and understood Prophecy and Black History! He also knew time for talking was over and real action was the only recourse defining Justice. Yours truly Seed of Jacob -Sun Son of Simeon walked in to fill that void. We went to War...walking the Kings High Way- with Ancient Wisdom into the Door of Life-with the nations of the world at one an other's necks. Defeated Isis and phony Israel. The nine and a half tribe's of Spiritual Israel on the west Bank whom had already sold out to the West. Aided by Christian Caucasians and Zionist, Ashkenazim and Sephardi Jews of Spain and Portugal. This what Dr King Jr. meant when he told the world to leave that state alone the land belongs to the imposter's. I knew he was a sellout-the Bible in the Book of Revelation knew it the Divine Creator, knew it when I enter the Door leading into the Land with no back door no side door-only one way of Faith and Truth!... all while Black Muslims in America were being taught( Jacob was Spook ism-nothing!...only to find it's real and something.) Our action was and is the 'unfinished business' now being talked about by the imposters because the door I entered is not there's. A Divine Seal has been placed on the Land belonging too God -Reuben self and kind and these hypocrites-imposter's liars-punk pimps hustler's and sissies know it as the land they gave up as Judas. Black is Beautiful and Faith Magnificent! Why has this insanity gone on so long ... because of non-believer's in jealousy, selfishness, greed envy and the History of Black Slavery in all it's attending ills' perpetuated by American and the Zionist-Black Judas sellouts in there religion and politics. Moors-Egypt-Ethiopia-Esau- Saudi Arabia-Rome -Greece Spain -Belgium and the Vatican...among others. Debt and Justice owed to Black Slaves; Reparations Restitution Land-Law in Divine Authority! (C) 3/8/2015 Reuben, Seed of Jacob Sun son Simeon God Is I Am! Reuben Beckles.......Faith Abraham Isaac and Jacob!
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