Give credit Where Credit Is Due! Blacks Given Time to get Act together-By Divine Intervention-How much Time to evade Truth in denial?
Time to act on truth and stop playing games in denial. It's time to give Credit where credit is due. Believe it or not-the Nations of the world are watching black folk play unwarranted games even though solutions are being laid in your laps. There are no other people from around the world that arrived on these shores in chains and shackles but Black folk. And no other peoples worked and gave up so much as Black folk only to speak one language -beaten misused and abused and never got paid! The only similarity in the Twenty First Century to compare with blacks in the corporate state of America in my opinion would be South Africa under world renown leader Nelson Mandela and the ANC. Greed, corruption and stupidity gave European genocide leaders and their black partners in crime land and resources that wasn't theirs to give leaving the people in dire straights today. Black leaders got money and homes in European banks along with white women on their arms as payoff! This in the face of the hell suffered by the people the leaders swore to protect when they were given Democracy! If Black folk in America were being led by righteous black leaders as was stated to be the case in the sixties and they were truly for real none of this insanity going on today would be happening as Reparations, Restitution and Land would have been the order of the day. Blacks would have covered that continent with our presents showing what real equality and brotherhood was really about and their would have been no force on earth that would have been able to stop our progress. Lucifer and his mama wouldn't have been able to stop the tide of truth and righteousness ! But the sad truth is, your leadership in Covertness, selfishness, greed, envy and white skin has blinded black folk to their foundation, condition and solution. Price to karma must be paid, but, the solution remain the same! Why are things in such a chaotic condition...because the governed continues to give their consent to be governed by demonic bloodsucking vampires who are controlled by Money changers and the imposter's calling themselves Jews in Israel, that's not Israel! If that's who they really are-people of Bible Scriptures, then how and why did they loose the "One Day War Of 1968" using their armies to take over and steal the lands of Reuben Gad and the Half Tribe Of Manasseh? Why did Egypt join with the Zionist and Isis to take over the lands beyond the fertile crescent only to fail and be destroyed if what they claim was the truth and where does Black enter into this entire situation? The truth is, Reuben is a Black man and so was my Father right down the line into history by faith and the seed of Jacob, the Twelve houses of Israel through the Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. The Land, Throne Prophecy and Spirit is there. which belongs to the I Am-The Divine Creator! Many non-believers are having a problem with this truth! Being a Man within the Faith, a Black Man, I have no problem with the truth because it was God in the Spirit that took me in the Spirit by way of the Rapture to the Kings Highway, the Land, the Throne and the door of life...not belonging to any group or Religion. Dr King with all his knowledge and followers found it out too late-just like the others following Lucifer claiming the love of the Father whom they hate but love the Son in Christ. Are these the same folk who leave these shores after being put into slavery to return to some of those same Lands, kill up some folk-returning to this land they call home-mindless-homeless looking for acceptance in denial ? How insane is that? Yours truly came from the foundation of this nation-Black, the feet as an ascendant into Cosmic Consciousness of Black Mind-Soul- Sun- Spirit(Israel-No Game-No Trick No Joke) the I Am is real! Black Is Beautiful! Before I close let me share a little goody with you-faithful and non believers alike. We have been shone a picture called the "Ten Commandments " where Moses became so angry that he broke the stone of the Commandments given to him by God for his people. God punished Moses not allowing him to enter the Promised Land...' false' Moses crossed into the promised Land beyond the fertile crescent on some of he best land God had to offer" Take that to the Bank! Lucifer is a Lie and a fool! Those in the Catholic Church and religion have known this truth all along!" Talk without action relative to Black folk is nothing-that too can be taken to the bank! (C) 12/8/2014 Reuben Seed of Jacob-Son Sun of Simeon...I Am ! Reuben Beckles
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