Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

If you don't know Slavery is over and Black is Beautiful while claiming brotherhood in white Superiority as Black-you're not only in denial- you're in big trouble!

Yes, Black is Beautiful,  yet slavery remains rooted in white culture in a state of denial by both Black and White !  Slavery relative to Black by tradition and conditioning was and is enforced by brutality of insane bestial action of the physical and mental.  With the introduction of color and White Supremacy many Blacks find it difficult to grow up and leave this insane madness where it belongs in the laps of the giver and enforcer!  Here's the catch in the entire equation- while Whites were dancing for joy thinking White was and is Superior to Black, whites were looking upon their wealth in the form of paper money as God made possible by the gigantic venture of International Slavery and free labor on the part of Blacks.  Well a funny thing happened in this system that has white folk all over the place screaming for mercy and peace...The IMF, controlled by the money changers, Bankers (white folk) here and aboard don't give one damn for their white Brothers who willingly gave their consent to be govern by these blood sucking vampire sissies. Hence, placed themselves in slavery.  These White Folk and their superior attitude find themselves locked in mortal combat with their White Zionist Brothers deep in the pits of Economical and Political Slavery!  So-called Jews against Gentiles-both of whom felt nothing using Blacks as Canon fodder.  Both groups laughed  and talked Law all over the place mocking Blacks who are and were criminalized under the weight of Law...criminal-common-international-Divine Law! As long as they had real value in money around the world their Man-hood, their game was tight-but things have changed and both find themselves as Pawns In The Game! the American system with funny money, owing the Black Slaves what value of property-life and money they have because of enforced Slavery and free Slave Labor across the board relative to land and their Black descendants!  Justice is something Else! Can't you see Black folk lining the Highways headed for Air ports and Harbor Ports leaving the Greatest Country in the World going Home to attend to their own kind and destiny.  Under International-Divine Law, this is Black freedom...Sovereignty Land Reparations and Restitution leaving White Supremacy to WHITE FOLK in all it's purest forms of Denial! the way, this includes Black Judas sellouts who have been paid moving in and out of the White banner of Acceptance!  A Leopard doesn't change it's spots.  A pig is still pork.  A fish will swim up stream against all currents to reach it's destiny-no compromise and a elephant is still heavy as is the history of Blacks in the Corporate State of America- United States!  The truth and fact are in and on the table!  Mind and time will dictate the Action of Justice.    Check out our Last three Blogger!  Real Freedom!  Black Justice!  Truth Must Be Faced!  (C) 11/5/2014. From the Kings High Way-Reuben  Seed of Jacob-Sun son of Simeon-  No Trick- No Game -No Lie!         Reuben Beckles


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