Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Plain and Simple-Let's Keep it Real "Lest We Forget!" All that Seems Black and Beautiful Standing On the Square of Justice-Is not Black Nor Real !

America, as a corporate structure in world affairs has every right to be concern as it sees it's house of cards come tumbling down-just like 'humpty dumpy! The time and days of slavery and usury are over and the New World has found they never left the Old World and it's values of Wisdom and Understanding relative to ethnicity, religion and geography (territory)!  The Law makers-Political Pundits-Educators and Financial Giants-Money Men  thought with the emergent of Democracy they world be able to rule the world as Blue Blood elites using America and the United Nations as a model in which to move their ideas and values around the world as a New world Order for cheap labor-middle class as a buffer and the destruction of Black as an underclass. The Caucasian(White Zionist) around the world was used to turn Black slaves into Zombies and thoughtless mummies to do the bidding of the Aryans Caucasians in the name of Christians  that started in Ethiopia and purified in the Vatican under canon Law and White rule using Black Israel as a model and the knowledge of Judas. The house of Judah(Tribe) and the Sanhedrin Council.  This is why you see a lot of folk walking around as white folk calling themselves Jews pawning themselves off as the real Israelite of Scripture...they're bloodsucking vampires-impostors and they know it.  They are Khazar's! Many Gentiles are waking up to this simple truth. The problem in today's world of Slavery which is perpetuated within the church, secret societies and Black Judas male sellouts  and their female counter parts.  They hate themselves as Black and the value that goes with it.  They sell themselves out to the highest bidder take money then find employment within the system of usury then go into denial  hoping  Civil Rights will help them gain acceptance!  Now they find the New world and usury could never replace old world wisdom and values given from the Divine Creator.  The Civil Rights Movement of the sixties was designed to destroy the Faith of Jacob's seed.  What shocked the world was Reuben 12th House of Black Israel claiming his Birth right, the territorial land in the East beyond the Jordan and the Kings High Way by Faith creating Divine Intervention and Judgment  by the Divine Creator of the original houses of Israel.  This is why Black Slaves, builders of the foundation in this corporate State-called the United States of America, are living in confusion and chaos. Misled then sold out by the knowing-their leaders the flock accepted the impostors and could not respond to the Aliyah-Rapture when the word went out(To Whom does the Land beyond the fertile Crescent belong? Meaning land mass and territorial geographical land and faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob?  Only Reuben responded by Action!   The Nation of Islam-Church and Synagogue know it as do the flock who now live in denial and want nothing to do with Yours truly...Reuben!        No matter!  Now comes the truth from the very folk who claim to be a part of the faith. The very folk who brought them off and now want nothing to do with Black.  Hell is going on in Europe Asia-Africa the Middle East and elsewhere-New world can't take over and remove Old world Land and Prophecy!  Just came  across a News Print Called "Jewish Journal" dated September 26/October 2, 2014...Second page will tell you these folk spend time and Money in Synagogue  pretending to be a people they're not-pray in a language they don't understand to a God they don't believe in!  These are people that many Black women claim as their soul mates and will fight the Black man tooth and nail to defend her sorry position loving Jesus while hating Black Beautiful...Is a Elephant  heavy- is a pig Pork?    From the Kings high Way-Reuben seed of Jacob Sun of Simeon  (C) 9/30/2014            Faith   I Am   Land Reparations Restitution   Reuben Beckles


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