Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Grow up or continue the path of Denial Slavery and nothing at the end of your journey but death!

In today's world no one wants to grow up-it seems to be a joy in following and being accepted- if you're a Black male Man forget your self and kind-forget your history before after and during slavery!  If this sounds like a broken record  so be it. Black men will have to ask themselves why do we go from Boys to Uncle while forming groups of non thinkers fighting among ourselves all for the benefit of others on turf we don't control or own this includes the sports we participate in and action we show  the world as entertainment.  Fighting and dying in distant land destroying peoples and cultures in a manner unknown in history involving thinking folk as humans.  I say humans because many folk are walking around today as demons creating all forms of chaos while Blacks rely on many of these demons pretending as humans for" good will" and help.The problem is it's can't and won't happen.  The reason for this as I see it-you have given up your identity and Manhood along with your history and knowledge and the reason Blacks  were brought to these shores.  Many men and women  have given their wisdom knowledge and lives to continue our presence on this planet and in the universe.  If this were not so myself and like minded folk would not be here today, writing speaking to self and kind.  Instead of growing up many are wasting away standing around waiting for someone to make the first move towards independence and Justice.  Those of higher knowledge and degrees will do nothing but take a pay off and talk but will never take an action to move on the talk.  They wait until someone from the foundation, innocence, comes along and moves on the talk.  He's successful and gets result, but the majority have something else in mind...his death and usury the name of sweet Jesus and their religion.  Money, Job Creation-United Nation's Agenda(21)- Fema's  consecration camps for slaves and homeless-underclass of Blacks who have fought worked and died for this system -blood sucking vampires and bankers who made cotton king while the slaves and their descendants got nothing but talk at the end of the day. Talk of Freedom and Liberty!  How long do you think you'll have too wake up to the truth and find the balls to demand that which belongs to the nation within this nation-Black Slaves ...Land Restitution Reparations-or are you waiting for Concentration  camps and extermination thinking your Education will save the day for you with a white woman on your arm!  As for yours truly-I see the tsunami and prophecy-Land and the fires of Hell created by fools of folly and disbelievers!  Watts and the Awaking-Kings Highway and the door of Life- One Day War-1968-Isis dethroned-Blood sucking vampire of so-called Israel " Lest We Forget"  Black Judas sellouts from Ethiopia-Egypt-Vatican-Greece  on the Land of the Blacks and their European partners in crime!  Reuben(C) 9/23/2014    Seed of Jacob Sun of Simeon ...Faith !                                 Reuben Beckles


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