Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Careful thought-Study and Experience-Black is beautiful but not to Black female who wants to be White while giving Black male hell-concluding we're all the same as she fights for the devil's acceptance!

Make no mistake this blogger is written from a Black man's observation, experience, knowledge and wisdom.  Sometime back I was talking with one of my daughters in-home school teachers-during our conversation she stated as a black woman that instead of schooling black children they should first examine the black females because she's the one raising the children and she has strong mental problems and is in need of help! She smiled, turned and walked away!  I have been giving thought and making observations for sometime now and if the black male doesn't have his head on straight knowing who he is with a strong foundation relative too the wilderness of North America, and slavery with all it's causes and effect he's in trouble with her and any children they may have.  Fact is they'll be living in an insane relationship of Trick or over and around the plantation of cotton-the white male image and the system of usury and white Capitalism.   The jails are full of Black males who thought they were involved with black women who loved themselves as Black but in fact, they were and are giving birth to White men son's and daughters  using religion to cover up  their  insane actions.  Their mind set and actions runs deep as they play the love hate thing too keep him off balance- not thinking-acting and dressing for him- male to female but female to female and homosexual gay life within the frame work of integration-usury and slavery all with the acceptance of religion and Jesus loving everyone- everybody!...Trick or Treat you wake up to find out it's all a game ...a  sham!  The game she's playing here is being played out on the "Land of the Blacks(Africa-Middle East) .  Where ever she and Isis are it's the same game while the Man to keep harmony in the U.S. never takes point relative to Land-Restitution and Reparations - Freedom Sovereignty because in the back of his mind he knows she's not with or for him- sound crazy-it's factual-the truth! As for yours truly I'm standing as Reuben, Seed of Jacob, Sun of Simeon awaking of Watts-Kings Highway-Door of Life -One Day War! 1968-Black Power and Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob moving in the direction of a tremendous Tsunami and House cleaning in the Spirit of Divine Intervention and there will be no T.V. no debate No Tricks-No Game!  God Is-I Am (C) 9/16/2014     Reuben Beckles 


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