On the record of Justice and truth-Reuben Seed of Jacob Spiritual Actions of the Sixties made plain!
Yours truly has been on this journey for along time and as I've stated before I'll state now-"This is not a trick nor a game-to believers God in Prophecy is real-most don't know because as men they're afraid to act as Men and women can't do a Man job! I don't care how hard she tried pretending we're the same and equal-or how many men sings her praises as she takes point you will always end in folly where man is called to do his job relative to the Divine Order of things. If you think this is a joke relative to today's topic have her find the Kings Highway-walk it and come back with wisdom and solution for the slaves problems here in America and not submit to more slavery in the name of Jesus even his disciples disowned him and he was made free through Divine Intervention. What you have going on today is usury and talk no action except the money plate - slavery remains on the plate of Capitalism and usury in brotherhood after death! The reason for slavery's continued existence is the game being played by those in high responsible positions who have waxed fat at the expense of black folk whose suffering and torment in broken homes-castration-lynching-stripped of language and Identity land...self worth and any other form of dehumanization ! It wasn't just the awaking of Watts that wound bring about the end to Black slavery in America but the "One Day War of 1968" and the king's Highway, it's Divine Wisdom and the door of Life...by the Black Man for Black folk! If you say Black Man didn't take this action it was a Woman-then tell the world how was Isis- known the world over- defeated?...Isis was known to the underworld and raised by Osiris and used by many nations of the world(Egypt-Greece-Ethiopia-Vatican-Arab nation States-including America! She gave her knowledge-wisdom and support to the white imposter state of (so called Israel) and the One Day War of 1968 was her death-she failed! as did the state she represented! These various countries around the world who are living in tremendous chaos is a direct results of her defeat-the leaders she represented talked the equality in brotherhood of Man and love of Jesus, were and are nothing more than greedy bloodsucking vampires-who had nothing to do with Jesus, but worshiped Satan and his attempt to regain his place in heaven but had to go through and destroy Jacobs seed who was in the faith of the Divine Creator "I Am that I am" hence, these folk were about destroying the faith and killing of God! Reuben was the force that blocked this insanity and defeated Isis while working for Mr Sandford Alexander of the Herald Dispatch Newspaper who was a follower of Isis not known by yours truly at the time-who ended up telling many of his followers that he didn't know how I was doing what I was doing by taking the action I took because he didn't tell me anything and he didn't-I was moving by faith and no organization-this is why faith based organizations and secret societies wanted my death-knowing they had the knowledge and did nothing but collect money -talk about a dream and enforce slavery! The leaders refuse to talk about real solutions for the Slaves which is (Land-Reparations and Restitution) because Satan is now claiming their Souls as they are in denial using the woman looking for a hiding place-pushing same sex marriage and females who died with Isis thinking they were as much Man as Man!...Check the record including those countries I've mentioned along with the Sandhedrin Council! These folk are at war with God -the Divine Creator in Prophecy! Dr King told the World-Canaan-Palestine belonged to Satan-the Caucasian Jews...leave them alone! He paid for the lie after he was shone the promised Land by God! Elijah Muhammad said their would be no more Islam after him and we watched as Min. Louis Farrahan give many of his followers to Scientology! Again check the record-Israel is as the foundation of Black Is Beautiful (C) 9/8/2014 Reuben Seed of Jacob Sun of Simeon From the Kings Highway -Door Of Life! Reuben Beckles
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