Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

A scenrio of We...By Judas and their Comon Wealth of Nations-Activist in the rainbow of Colored pretenders-something for nothing!

Words like pictures have meaning and purpose.  Judas and his bloodsucking vampires cultures in crime would have the world believe that slavery in America is over and We are all the same in the melting pot of common cause-love and brother hood so that the Black Slaves will fall asleep, demand and do nothing concerning his past and present condition that keeps them on the path of self destruction, antagonism and self hatred-while at the same time embracing actions within a thought process  and body politics that has nothing to do with real Black Freedom for the Black Slaves in America -Land , Reparations Restitution and Sovereignty.  What you have been given are words wrap in an illusion with your enemies at  the head and his woman at your side and a smile in your face as your so-called communities are flooded with his vampires in crime-covering the landscape with graffiti drugs-vice and the police-with the pay offs going to non profit so-called faith based churches, Politicians, Attorney's schools turning out illiterate students embracing knowledge with little or no value of what they call their communities-stead quoting African verse" it take a village!" To do what?  Father's don't talk with the Sons...Daughter's don 't talk with the Mother's  and the great graduating students have nothing to do with the families... begging for a job-creating nothing not even a Basket Ball Court, but allow them selves to be used by one group of Zionist Jews towards another-who hate the Christian Gentiles then get mad at a money man who put it on the line and told them the truth about themselves!  Is that insane?  What do their action show?  The  players across the nation whom are given tremendous sum of money by people like (Sterling ) know these Slaves aren't going to do a damn thing relative to Wisdom and value for Black folk cause they've been trained as Slaves and have arrived as very important (White Folk-Supreme Entertainers) ...who now fight  (Racism for the Church -Lawyers and Politics)  never Justice for Black folk!  Enters African Black folk and the common wealth of nations.  They watch the Black man here who are told by the Justice and State Department not to have anything to do with the Black Slaves of America-who are lazy dumb and good for nothing-if you do you'll become just like them and we'll have to revoke your visa's and send you back to the same land you gave up!  This is why, Black folk of AMERICA, they want nothing to do with you...they all think they're greater than you!...until they realize that they are not only sitting on the foundation built by the Slaves and their descendants ,whom they sold out! You are the very people who made it possible for them to stand today by Black action of the sixties.!  Watts -One Day War! Isis dethrone-Identity Theft uncovered- Divine Intervention - the Wisdom and knowledge of the Kings High Way from which the Door of life flows relative to Prophecy, Reuben Jacob's seed-Sun of Simeon came forth in faith!  If you examine some of the truth before you you'll find The Union Of South Africa is a term used for European (White) ancestry because many Blacks on that continent gave the land up to be accepted by Caucasians.  Many of the Black Judas sellouts here are a part of the  descendants who were occupying what Dr King called Canaan -the Land of Palestine-when the Israelites left the land to settle it's self-knowing they would return-they left the land and settled in Egypt.  It was many of the Africans who came into the wisdom and knowledge   of the Israelites whom they would fight later to regain the land from the Africans.  This is why so many Caucasians came to the aid of Dr King-to get back at the true Israelites, he Dr  King, gave them up through the Church working with the Muslims to destroy the Prophecy of Abraham Isaac and Jacob-and through Ishmael and Esau claim the Divine Birthright also Blacks are Mad with themselves and yours truly Reuben who didn't join Islam or Christianity  but by Faith and Divine Intervention made the Aliyah-Rapture in action spiritually leaving the sellouts to talk in chaos-knowing what they had done is nothing more than " conspiracy to commit God Killing! "...knowing I walk alone the action was taken for those in faith and belief -Black Slave in America and not the melting pot of the (WE ) Scenario ...God Is I am-Reuben    -    Seed Of Jacob-Sun Of Simeon-(6/12/2014      From the King's High Way-Black Is Beautiful-No Lie-No game- No Trick!                                        Reuben Beckles


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