"Lest We Forget!" The Living Most God-I Am-Abraham, Isaac and Jacob=Israel...Reuben relative to the foundation and Black Slaves and their decendants-free Labor debt in America!
Here I am Reuben, in the house of Israel leaving the month of March and into the month of April the month in which Isis thought she would reign supreme by taking my spirit and soul for the satanic forces of Egypt-Ethiopia -Greece- England-America and the Bloodsucking Vampire European State called Israel! By the grace and love of my God I'm here...she has been dethroned and the claim of Justice for the Black Slaves and their descendants remain alive and well for compounded interest of Land-Reparations and Restitution-based on their destruction and free labor! Leaders from around the world traveling from country to country praising one another for a job well done-thinking they had destroyed the house -land and prophecy of Jacob's Israel in the name of Secret Societies- Jewishness Christianity and Islam only to find nothing could be farther from the truth! All of this happened in the face of President Obama's meeting with the Pope of Rome! What next? Could they be talking about the presents of the Ethiopian college in the heart of the Vatican? How about the elimination of same sex marriage in Nigeria-Uganda and the plot to take over the original peoples of Rwanda and natural resources across the Black Continent which includes the selling out of South Africa to the white Jews of Israel and America! ...How about the Identity theft of the Bloodsucking European Zionist state of so-called Israel as they opened the door to Black American Judas sellouts-Ethiopians and other African states. After receiving many of these black folk they ended up with no visa's in prisons-then told they must convert to the Caucasians versions of Jews and deny the truth of their original self...if they complain they are given ($3,500.00) to leave the country!...this after many have given up and sold their Souls and Spirits to these Vampires! This is the same as many Mexicans and Latinos who are doing the same in America-hoping to disinherit Black folk here! The trick behind the melting pot of acceptance is that their would never be any acceptance!...Freedom or Equality or work visa unless that person would be of Europe's stock-pure and simple! Today they are languishing in prisons shouting we want Justice and Freedom! ...only to be told we're not the same! ...Submit! While the President was meeting with the Pope...Farrakhan was giving many of his folk over to the Devils he use too hate. Al Sharpton in his photo debut, "just wants to be like Jesus!...as a Civil Rights Leader!" "Lest We Forget" Identity Theft and Conspiracy to commit God Killing is real and is part of the original intent to kill off and do away with original Black folk of Gods Creation relative to Jacob! Also the Blacks of the Sanhedrin Council and others in their Greed-Jealousy selfishness and deceit educated and gave their spirits to the Aryans and other Europeans to Sephardic and Ashkenazim Jews dealing with Judas from the house of Judah in Southern Palestine known to Ishmael and Esau. These colored men were and are very treacherous people as they move back and forth between Black and White seeking ways and means to control! This is one of the reasons Justice has never come to the Black slaves and their descendants of America and why their is so much turmoil and conflict in the middle east on the west bank! This ties into why thousands of Caucasian are now calling themselves Jews across Europe and the "Jewish Colonial Trust"-a Zionist enterprise and financial institution which was created in 1889( pre-state Israel) before the Holocaust! Many of these folk across Europe invested in this pre-state buying stocks, bonds, real estate. The real enterprise was the Black folk of America, who had no idea as to the scheme they were drawn to being denied knowledge of themselves during slavery!...having lost their spirit and sold their birthright. Was then given Jesus as their redemption. this is why when the call came out for the (Aliyah -Rapture, many could not respond-and the Caucasians Zionists thought they had it made because the ministers and Bishops of the Church were paid to keep the flock ignorant and dumb in the Spirit by white money men-and Black Judas sellouts.! ...pure blood sucking demonic vampires-who tricked themselves and their kind as the scheme back fired when the Supreme Lord of the Living Most God -I Am stepped in with Divine intervention and Spiritual Truth -brought me Reuben forth from the twelfth House of Israel- Jacob seed and into the Royal House of Israel and The King's Highway...Watts-Dethroning of Isis-1968 War which blew the cover off the Zionist state and their Identity theft...defeating them and their armies-Ethiopia-Greece-Rome-Egypt-Parts of Russia, along with the secret Societies and religious houses in America! and I walked into the door of life...knowing the land value and purpose is not for sale at any price and is tied into free labor and the debt never paid that is enjoyed by the nations of the world all accept the creators of that wealth! In today's legal system if you have wealth you can hire a lawyer or group of lawyers who can walk into a court room and sway the court and Judge-not so with the God I know-If you're a leader or Heir to this knowledge and truth you will be taken into a Divine court of Law where no lies tricks or games are allowed-from there you will find a fire underneath your feet-over your head-on both sides of you and in front of you and warriors you have never seen at one another necks-given no quarter and taking none. If you are real- you must go through it-all action-no talk allowed-the royal Highway is there you must find it and the lite of the door and land of Sovereignty within the walls of the Living Most High God-I Am ! Reuben-Seed Of Jacob...Sun of Simeon (C) 3/27/2014 From the King's Highway-Faith Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob- Lest We Forget! God Is Reuben Beckles
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