Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, October 28, 2013

The Illusion of image and talk-is not the same as substantial action relative to Black Truth !

The American dilemma relative to Black folk in America and the Slaves is that we have allowed our enemies who put us in this melting pot of integration forcing us to function en mas  within the 'Common Wealth" of people and ideas while over looking what is best for us-en mas as perpetual Slaves acting as if we are totally unaware of this truth.  We start in sovereignty on our own land and self worth creators of civilizations only to end up as nothing in the hands of Blood sucking vampires of Aryan stock from the Lands of Europe who covet everything Black which includes their religions called Judaism and Christianity  denouncing and degrading everything Black while up holding white as the purest of pure ripping off all cultures and peoples they claim as inferior !  This holds true for the Arabs - Red men  across Northern Africa(Land of the Blacks) who move in concert with what they call Islam-they too  move against Blacks  whom they enslave-castrate and emasculate them as slaves even today in the (Twenty-first century) which gives stature and value to the notion they are Superior-but I say-they are nothing more than a lot of blood thirsty vampires -kindred spirits to their brothers in Europe coming from the selfishness greed and envy of Satan, Esau and Ishmael !  They and their Europeans allies are all together with the Black Judas Sellouts across Africa-starting from the South moving Northward all trying to take over the lands and peoples we know as Israelites-seed of Jacob!  Listen and watch those in very high  positions of this land who call themselves Black who claim to have interest in positive Black development  sitting at the tables of these blood thirsty vampires making policy for the destruction of Black folk knowing through their actions they don't give a damn for BLACK folk!  They get paid to scream and holler' pick yourselves up and don't be so dependent-"We're All Human"! ...which is a lie and they know it!  You can't leave these shores go into distant lands and not know the difference-or go into the arm forces cross the line called Tropic Of Cancer' and not know you're entering into the Land of the Blacks and entire different way of thinking and acting relative to ones own self interest-which mean these hypocrites are fighting self and kind for these white blood sucking vampires!  How do I know we are all 'Not Human?"  When your third Eye opens through Divine Intervention' and you are able to go on your Spiritual Quest of Self and Kind you are shone the animals who walk up right have tails and other discernible features that are not Human and there's no way they can walk the Kings High Way relative to Man-Male and Female as known in Prophecy!  This is A fact-this is the basis of the worlds conflict as all the Nations Covet the Black mans Birth Right  which has been promised to the nations of the world by Black Judas sellouts so that the phonies who are nothing more than imposter's actions would be justified in the name of the  religion they embrace! What no one wants to deal with including this Judas sissy is the truth when the  real Seed of Jacob enters into the Spiritual Arena of action relative to the Man things change because the Black man take an action for that which is His and His Kind in relation to the Divine order of things! This not a joke nor is it a play thing and Reuben Seed of Jacob did exactly this through Divine intervention!  Watts-The Kings High Way along with the "One Day War and the Aliyah and Rapture is a Testament to this Truth-Black Man! (C) 10/ 28th/2013.  This is the real dilemma for America-and Blacks around the world in real freedom and Sovereignty....Reparations-Restitution and Land!  leaving all to Identify as Men to the Divine order of things!         Reuben Beckles


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