Soverienty And Reality Can only Be Accomplished By Doing...Known from the Bottom up as they accept Degrees and Money in an All inclusive System Of Slavery!
No game-no lies...Usury, pretense, lust and greed along with intense hatred of self and kind will not give you the Beauty of Black nor the reality of freedom or Land relative to your Supreme Power In your God you claim to know and love! A false doctrine taught to the slaves of America, is what's driving the engine that keeps you at the Slave Masters table even as America and it's allies crumble into destruction. This will include Those Black Judas Sellouts among us who thought the path of freedom was paved for them with the innocents and blood who didn't and couldn't know or understand the greed and treachery of their fellow man they call brother! Knowing this, Black Judas sellouts will and must reap what they have sown in all it's forms across this land and others stemming from their participation in Scam after Scam ending in Chaos -Death and Destruction ! Their crowning glory the raising of Isis and different forms of Delilah -like Eve who thought her action would not only destroy Adam but place her over God-only to find that she was not in control of anything but her wrong acts as did Adam! Today, so-called Black Diva's are following that same path thinking they are the head of Man and can do whatever pleases her without the Man and his nature within the sphere of a Divine God! Today, the problem in America, isn't just Slavery in all it's attending forms but what one of the worlds leader called the "Great Satan!' along with the Secular State of what the United Nations and America claims is The White State (Zionist) State of Israel-flowing from" Abraham Isaac and Jacob" which is so far from the truth it's no longer funny! Those of us who know and walk by Faith and did not sell our Birth Right and Identity- brought to the world this truth paid a tremendous price for our Sovereignty -Land and peoples causing the "One Day War-1968) when Identity thieves and their Armies were wipe out! This is the meaning of Helen Thomas , past White house correspondent to the White House who said(Go Home the Land doesn't belong to you!" This is also known in the Bible(Revelations) Also, Arthur Koestler's..."The Thirteenth Tribe!" Those of you who know this reality and truth are in trouble because you took the Thirty Pieces of Silver and claim to the birthright and land-and others who don't care satisfied with nothing hoping someone will pay the price for you and you don't have to do anything- and if this is your belief you are indeed in trouble and will languish in the pits of Armageddon' saying" woe is me". A disdain for truth and a Spiritual sellout is nothing to play with as it deals with Character and Faith in the unseen-only to be seen in a moment of truth after the fact -as in the Story behind Esau and Jacob being played out across this land as we write this Blogger! After our Aliyah-Rapture and travel up the Kings High Way in the Sixties and entering to the Door of Life-the One Day War- refusing to enter into the arm force -inability to find a job or even create one for myself-placed in jail and did the time for crimes I didn't commit-had my family stolen by their Mother who Joined the system then had them brain washed-much like Patty Hearst -of the Examiner-Estate-Money folk! Then like what is happening today under the banner of Mental Health and paranoia's I was Judged and released-only to be found sane in this system and it's phony Justice setting that to this day, the guilty perpetrators don't understand! ...not even members of my own family. To sum it up relative to today's situation we continue to move with Two Cassette Tapes - One Novel- A collection of Twelve Short Stories- Six Ninety minute Tapes of the Novel -Poetry -pros and Essay's all (C) only to be called by a so-called Diva Black Female-who asked the Question-Who did I think I was- You are Nothing and can do nothing without her, as a Black Man!...Really I ask-hanging up and continued to send information around the country in behalf of those Black Slaves in America yearning to be free! ...on their own Continent And Land-with Reparations Restitution and Land with Compounded interest rooted and based in and on their own Foundation! Oh, "Lest I Forget" Knowledge was sent to The Justice Department-White House-every Nation Of Islam( Elijah Muhammad-Louis Farrakhan...Sanford Alexander-Earl Ofari Hutchinson-Carol Hemingway -Asadullah-Ron Karenga-Albert Legon TD Jakes Martin Luther King Jr- and Company -Jessie Jackson Sr.-Eddie Long-whom (White Zionist just made King!-Rev. Price-just made an Apostle-Bishop Carlton Pearson-Oklahoma! and many more! they along came to know and preach and talk-but things remain the same and worst-as they speak too, yet, laugh at my Solutions with all their degrees of knowledge as we passed them walking the Kings High Way and paid the price to know by action while they and others male and female asked the question Who Do I-Think I am? (C) Oct. 7th -2013 Reuben-Seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon-pick up your cross and not in pretense-lies and deceit and see what you find-Who are you? Reuben Beckles
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