Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Whose Kidding Whom-Pretense And Game Playing Over! Leader's Of Black And White America Don't Want Solution For Chaos created By Slavery!

America's Black and White so-called leaders have no intentions of doing what's right-meaningful and to the point of solution because this is a money making machine for the conspirators, liars and thieves known around the world in countries and nations who also benefit with money guns and tremendous wealth!  In America, the diversion is a slogan -"Terrorism and National Interest"...No Justice, No Peace" relative to a Colored President acting as a Black Man in the White House in behalf of the State Department-Judicial System -Pentagon and Police forces around the Nation-in the name of freedom of speech regarding the Constitution and keeping the peace! The major problem as yours truly See's it is Both Black and White have been playing a non-action game so long with talk-that Mulattoes-Creoles-Latinos-Mexicans and others with real knowledge of Black, thought they could walk in posing as Black inheritors along with Judas sellouts and Caucasian imposter's to the Birthright of Jacob and the promise of Abraham in Prophecy!  Problem is-the Land nor Prophecy is not for everyone and certainly not the above mentioned. It cannot be bought or taken pure and simple! If this is not truth then ask yourselves Why didn't you make the Aliyah-Rapture in and under Divine protection-through the Kings Highway-through the door and the Land coming from the foundation of Slavery of Black in this land?  This action that I took after making my claim as Reuben gave us the Land- Status and value because the imitators right across the board in the name of Israel tried to steal the birthright and the Land causing the "One Day War" which involved not only Egypt but Isis who also wanted to steal the birthright and on all front were beaten and failed!  This  is not folly-check the record (1968)!  The problem with the claim of civil rights by Black Leadership is that they want like so many others something for nothing without a foundation and paying the price by using those who have a real claim to Black Lands and labor that's real and not this melting pot of integration and the Common Wealth where you forget the past and receive crumbs for the future that can be taken at any time and no land which means No Claim-No Status-No History-No Future!...Instead of whining and begging about land here or elsewhere reach down deep to the point of Chains and Shackles-Sovereignty taken from your land who now speak one language because Culture language and people were wiped out-families destroyed beatings-lynching -castrations common-education down the drain and lived by those who now claim to be you in the arena of truth and Justice-because your leaders both Black and White are gaming and playing you and that is why Dr. King had to go-he had been serving Satan and the Devil telling the world to leave those Caucasians alone in Israel-the Land belong to them giving up many of the rightful heirs who were in the church to the Devil-same is true concerning the Nation of Islam who never connected with the land from whence many of them came-this is why Elijah said before his death their would be no Islam after him" he didn't know what it would  be" because they were fighting Christians not the Status and Sovereignty of their Land( they missed the mark!...this is truth in History!  Today, they're asking for Land here or elsewhere!  The end result-frustration-Chaos-Shootings and marches..."no justice, no peace-no Solution, even though the solution is staring them in the face...could it be they know it but instead of fighting for the truth they sold the foundation out and now have nothing to stand on as they look for a sacrifice hoping everybody is asleep!  Reuben       Seed Of Jacob-Son of Simeon...Reparations-Restitution-Land! (C) July/22/2013                        Reuben Beckles


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