Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Black Immitators-nothing more than ursury trying to disguise solution of truth-talking Fatherlessness-Immigration and the value in Brotherhood!

The above title to some if not most may seem to diatribe but I can assure you the deeper meaning is a "Conspiracy to commit God Killing" while doing away with every thing of value in Black and prophecy. The problem is it can't and won't work.  As a Black Man we have shared with you on time, history, solution knowledge and wisdom relative to the foundation of Black in this nation relating to cause and effect and the salvation of our children and families as a people! In return we have been  given formats of empty air with no value to be repeated for the next five hundred years or more headed and chaired by Black Judas sellouts from religious houses-politicians-educators- lawyers and so-called activists.  They will try talking Black but they're not Black just like your President! What they want is fame and the Spirit of the Black Man who you will find stands alone in value and principle for the real cause of Justice and Freedom!  What you have are pretending imposter's in the form of Caucasians -Half and Half-Red -Brown Yellow-Creoles-Mulattoes-Qua drones-Octoroons who are just like ISIS wanting the power and Spirit of Black hoping Blacks will advocate- then die for them- like Jesus...needing a foundation in brotherhood!  These folk then run to the foundation of Black Africa, to claim the Land and resources hoping to find a hiding place!  They then return to the Corporation of  The U.S of America, and tell Black here to hell with Africa, this is the place to be! they work to  destroy the Black Man in the Home and the Jails are full of these situations  as the Black communities are going to Pot along with other drugs-sold to you by the same folk who claim to be your Brothers-many of whom speak many languages while you speak one( the effects of slavery)!...which was destroyed with your culture.    These are nothing more than thugs and pimps who use your culture and value against you.  I have spoken about those within the Secret Social Societies" Lest We Forget"  I am also referring to the Greek College Fraternities and Sororities.   They will tell you they are  as much Man as you Black is nothing and work Strong against Black while pretending to be for Black!  Today, the nation is in Chaos and the children they raised don't know who they are while every one try's  to speak for the same Black Man they hate!...Herein is the Conspiracy that run deep and wide and yet is shallow when pitted against the Aliyah-Rapture and the Kings High Way!...Most of these folk have converted to what they think I represent -yet have an opportunity to move in action for truth-solution and freedom and right across the board they refuse if it doesn't represent this in sane integration yet cry as they watch other folk take care of their business with out them-how ignorant is that!  I think something is wrong with the mind and heart-if be it -yours truly position has not nor will it change because the price I paid to find the knowledge of self and kind relative to the land -house and wisdom of God-Prophecy and Reuben is too High and deep to be playing games!  If those who think I'm just talk and my truth is not real-check in with your Queen ISIS and the One Day War and her armies-you'll find  her Sex-Book of the Dead- Tarot Cards and Wisdom was acted on in Secret as part of the international Conspiracy- failed as she ran into Fire-Air-Earth And Water and the unknown substance of disbelief and the swinging long knives she and her warriors couldn't cross trying to make it to the Kings High Way and land that wasn't theirs under Identity theft and pretense!  I am Reuben-Seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon (C) July 12th/2013             Reparations-Restitution-Land On Your Continent!           Reuben Beckles


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