Black Judas sellout Devil running in Chaos but can't hide from Truth and solution!
Let's get to the point and stay on point relative to Black Slavery in America because this is what my website and blogger-you tube and twitters are about ...Identity, Sovereignty, Freedom and Truth in Black! Knowing we are in a Spiritual War coming from and being a Spiritual people is the problem with these educated lying so called leaders who talk out of both sides of their mouth about brotherhood and justice but use the flock to live high at the expense of the foundation-the poor-the needy who wallow in poverty because of the effects of slavery in chains and shackles-broken homes-demoralization of the spirit and poor education if any! These lying hypocrite's know and crave acceptance in and under the white demons penis craving his woman has put them and the world on a path of total destruction because they feel nothing for Prophecy! There have been Black men in this country who have come forth with Wisdom-Knowledge and understanding who knew and understood this land was and is not ours and there would never be real freedom and sovereignty between the Caucasian and Black Man. The Black man's understanding of Brotherhood is totally different. Blacks understanding is to raise whites to a point of Civilize behavior relative to the Divine Spirit-the White mind See's this as weakness and capitalized on it with force of arms and destruction while invading black lands emulating the culture and turning the Black woman into his harlot -the Great Whore in the book of Revelation-and she knows it which is why the jails are full of Black Men today-in the wars that Black men fight and die in (80-90 percent are Black) wars that are set in motion by White folk aided by Black Judas sellouts and their partners in crime-Mulattoes-Creole-Octroons-Quadroons a mixture of Black and White for the benefit of White and the extinction of Black and this accounts for decaying Black communities across the land and not even the American Indians want anything to do with Blacks in this country by taking away their citizenship! This knowledge isn't just known by the leadership within their circle but by many of the flock they serve-Politically-Religiously -Financially and Educationally! Some of the great giants who did their home work and knew a separation must take place were Dr. Ben-Dr. Clark -as well as Chancellor Williams...Black men just to name a few among the many along with the action of Marcus Garvey who's actions spoke to the heart and soul of a people yearning to be free from the melting pot of insanity! What I have learned by action to this very day is the real problem doesn't just rest with the great whore- but the Mulattoes whom his White Father doesn't want and in many cases took his head off is now hiding in the knowledge of Black as a lie for White trying to take over the land of the Black in the Womb of the white woman under the term of Love Unconditional! These are the folk who represent this evil demonic spirit trying to block the truth of Identity Theft-Reparations-Restitution and Land-relative to Africa and Israel being Black of which they're not! If you really take notice of the Latinos-Mexicans on the rise as (Jews-converted from Christendom) to be a part of the spirit and culture of a people they were never apart of as they were and are created from the Indian and Spanish people a people like the white Caucasians who were never apart of the peoples and culture in that Black part of the World-their purpose today...destroy Black for White! So now, what's the problem...the truth and Solution-this is not the Black Man's Land! the foundation is Chains and Shackles-a debt of free labor with compounded interest -the Spiritual action and recognition of Reuben Israel-Black Man walking the Kings Highway and entering the door of life and the "One Day War' out of the fires of Watts and the dungeon of the Los Angeles Police Department! Where was the Judas Sellouts-the phonies...the Great Whore who feels nothing for the Black Man-Prophecy of Abraham Isaac Jacob or the Divine of God in Action! Reuben (C) May/23/2013 Reuben seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon Reuben Beckles
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