The Real Slave Of America,Running in Fear as they become the real Sissies and Punks within the Third World They Created!
As in the past I've written much concerning the foundation of America...Chains and Shackles and continued Black Slavery. Today, let's pull the covers off the real slaves Judas! ...and there commitment to the real Satanic demons hiding out here and what they call Israel! The Caucasian Zionist state! Their real aim is too destroy all thought and action of Jacob Seed and Black Israel in Prophecy replace it with what they call Jesus and unconditional love through the Christian Church backup by the Nation of Islam supposedly created for Black Liberation that would be run by White and Colored folk (Mulattoes) with people like President Obama, at the head as he pretends to be Black-which he's not! The real Slaves on the bottom who built the foundation of this Nation and their descendants were and are to be wiped out by demoralizing them on all fronts which is why the new media -police department along with the Money Capitalists who create Jobs keep the black negative image before the world-thugs-pimps-street walkers in abundance with no apparent value. Karen Bass a female politician can call for a public meeting to discuss Black school children in crisis-a crisis which she and others in the system created by giving the impression it's all about money! You have mega Church leaders across the land TD Jake's- Bishop Long-whom the Zionist just made a King- Bishop Blake of Los Angeles-Rev. Price not too long ago was declared and made a Prophet....these folk and more within the Christian association and leadership keep the flock ignorant and in Slavery! You don't even hear them speak of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob-let alone the real people of Israel! I have no intention to let the so-called Black Muslim off the hook who are also pimping the innocent as taught from Elijah Muhammad and picked up by Minister Louis Farrakhan within the Nation of Islam! If the truth be told and they know it they are pimping and preaching using knowledge of Black with the format of Ishmael and Esau-envious and jealous enemies of Prophecy in action of Jacob! These people-Esau and Ishmael along with those of Egypt and Ethiopia have been bought by Aryan Caucasian Zionist to keep the hell going in the east and Jacob( Black Israel out of that area which gets us back to the shores of America the Justice Department and the Mulattoes of this land who destroyed the Marcus Garvey-Back to Africa movement along with those of the (AMC) Christian! The pay off-some measure of acceptance that Blacks can see today was a low down dirty sham that was suppose to have been full filled with another sell out called the Civil Rights Movement where Dr. King and that bunch went all the way crazy for crumbs and a job! However, the demoralization of Blacks was not complete without two remaining elements. The first was the acceptance by the masses of jobs-funny money and a disclaimer of themselves as Black and their foundation of Slavery! All groups across the nation-large and small were mobilized-Religious-Education-Legal-Political-Medical and especially the females through the church-Mosques-Unions-Sororities Eastern Stars-Masons-Shriner's you name it they were all in this gigantic scheme to integrate the melting pot! In 1995-with the help of the Black political Caucus Congressman, Conyers introduce H.R. 891-Called A Bill for African Americans Slavery remedies( Reparations) Money was given to study the facts-money was given and taken under the Table-the die was cast-real Black men were taken out of the homes-jails were full and inner cities educators moved out of the city-leaving the poor and uneducated to go for self-in the wilderness of North America! The problem was and is a situation the major player couldn't see nor believe-Prophecy in Jacob-and the seed- Reuben! Not belonging to any organization or group-In Action the Aliyah-Rapture was made the King' Highway Walked-Identity Theft was met head on! The destruction of Black folk failed-Isis was dethroned-and the Land of Reuben-Gad and half Tribe of Manasseth let the world know God in Israel-Black was and is Alive and is not going for the insane dumb stuff-that what goes around comes around-you Reap what you Sow! We know and understand many Blacks in America don't want the reality of Marcus Garvey who was sold out by his own in the Grand Bahamas for a pot of Rice-the Action was correct! Just because many Israelite who wander in the desert for forty years didn't make to Exodus wrong-and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and his educated followers who sold themselves out to slavery in this system can't tell me and mine I should walk over the cliff with them because they had no faith as non-believers. Their acts was hatred of themselves as Blacks knowing as they sit in this world in chaos mad...because that which they gave up is real -the Prophecy in Faith-Abraham-Isaac and Jacob- Reuben Seed of Jacob. Land not for Sale-We gave Love-you sent envy greed and hatred in Id theft-there is no Unconditional love here-Chains and Shackles are gone -mind is clear and free...the real slaves are those working to up hold an unjust system of lies and deceit for the benefit of the educated slave masters(c) may 11/2013 Reparations-Restitution and land-"Lest We Forget"! If what I say in this Blogger is a Lie-not true I have a comment button-do As I have done-put my life and spirit on the line relative to slavery-truth -self and kind-...As does my God... I Live! Reuben Beckles
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