Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Many call what I say and print is hatred Diatribe-So be it-I Stand with it-I lived it-walked it-My Faith as a Mustard Seed is a Mountain-no loop hole-If you doubt it-don't talk it do it!

I stand as Reuben-Seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon-Soverienty in the Twelefth House of Israel and I don't play games realegated to children and those who refuse to grow up blaming everything and everyone on someone else because they refuse to grow-up!  So it is with those who say let the past go and be done with it-it's a New day-a new begining!...meaning, stand in the air with no foundation-Slavery and all it's ramifications in this system called a melting pot republic is the greatest form of a institutionalized-money making scheme known to Man-Kind.  If the Black Man (Slaves of America,) go for this, along with their decendants then there is no future for you-here or else where!  The Rapture-Aliyah and Judgement took place by and for Black Man-as was (Watts and The One Day War! 1968")...You ask why do I mention this truth?  Because if I don't others will claim it-live it as their deeds in Action and watch you and yours languish in hell and feel nothing; but more important, factually, it was through the Prophecy of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Divine Intervention of God!)...You can take that to the bank in what is called Black History Month-Three Hundred And Sixty Five Day in theYear!...Divine Spirit! If this had been any other Nationality or Group-White-Brown-Red-Yellow or any color other than Black you would never hear the last of it and Black would have been wiped out-such is the truth these other folk represent behind their smiling faces of envy-jealousy-greed and hatred! They know your truth in faith blind them to the reality of wisdom and truth that they see too late-reaping what they and their helpmate in jealousy(Judas ) has sown in hell-trying to keep Blacks in place on the plantation of Slavery!  What these folk want is to have Black folk kill themselves so they can claim clean Hands-but it will not happen because they're not in charge of anything-in my last Blogger I referred to their acts in and on behalf of Isis-who ran into hell Dethrone!  (My Second wife).  As to my first Wife and Mother of Five children-she could be taken from the Good-Book(Bible) as in the begining-the garden who like Eve Bit Off More Than She Could Chew that was not in her DNA be Man-over God as a diva!  She was A Greek Sorority Sister who thought I would become a Frat Brother as Part of University College system across this nation where they bait you in then switch up on color-aim and Nationality! When I didn't follow through as a pledge after asking questions as to the nature of their aims and getting no answers I returned their pin-and never looked back-next thing I knew, we could no longer live together-was not permitted to see my children-when I did see them she went screaming from the house(naked-hollowing-he hates me!) running from door to door hoping someone  would take her in-they didn't-I left-next thing I new I was in court run by Judas and the organization of Caucasians in the Bait and Switch game going to Jail for what they called Non-Support!  Her Blessing was a job in this System  and given a mate with one of the frat brothers as an image over my children which as she found out didn't last ten seconds-enters the Industry of Psychiatry prescribing mind altering drugs-so dangerous the goverment warns of suicide-hostility-stroke mania and sudden death-these are just some of the things our children are exposed to because of the action of females who don't listen wanting a system of death wanting to be Men and not what they were intended to be. They're left with a Gay Rights system and the church, loving-Jesus-who told them to pick up their cross and follow him!  as they say, love's cold out here-because nobody wants them!  They are like a piece of legislation brought forth in Washington,D.C. under HR 40-after the pie was cut up-consisting of some 40 million dollars to study the effect of slavery! That was some twenty years ago (they're still studying slavery)  hell all they had to do was go to the Good Book knowing they and the President are claiming to be Good Christians and find the solution in Restitution-Reparations and Land as Divine intervention has already taken place.  Judgement is staring these leaders in the face-as for the children across the land, look long and hard not at the Man who loved them but the woman like Eve-who said the Man is nothing and gave him up knowing he walked the Kings Highway and entered his door of Life -where was she? My Mother use to say...Reuben, you must have the faith of a mustard seed not knowing I had the faith of a Mountain! In closing I leave a Name and a Book called the Blackman's Guide to understanding the The Blackwoman by-Shahrazad Ali-now take a good long look at yourself Ms diva-I Am Reuben (C)2/21/2013.....Israel  Son Of Simeon -Seed Of Jacob-A Man-Behold The Son-He Who Grew By The Water Beyond The Fertile Crescent...Reuben Beckles


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