Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Jacob's House Of Israel In Prophecy Real-Twellth House In Black America-Reuben-on the case Relative to Foundation Of Slavery and free Slave Labor!

Start with truth-you'll end with Justice and truth!...America's colored President is so far removed from the truth and reality it's a shame because his foundation and reference is non Black even as he live with a Black woman-in the White House! On his plate is Immigration, Gay Rights, Gun Control and Illinois Politics.  I've already spoke on Gay Rights knowing this is just more mess and folk using Civil Rights to demean Black folk through the Justice and Education Department knowing full well as a constitutional Lawyer Blacks and their descendants were never paid for Genocide and free Labor along with the denial of education in chains and shackles-broken homes ,Lynchings and forced to speak one language(English)!  This is why the government doesn't want to get en voled with (Immigration) and the idea of Equality and Acceptance of real Freedom!   To do so they would find Hell through Karma staring them and the world-their partners in crimes in their conscience face and this includes these Black Judas sellouts hiding out in religious houses and secret social organizations!  It is no accident that Asians and Latinos are trying to wed themselves to the Black communities throughout this land! The Asians because of Black slave mercenary participation in Wars created by this nation in and on Asians Culture and Lands-In many of those area they were told by the peoples-what are you doing here Black man-we're not fighting you?!  During the Olympics 1932-Hitler tried to tell them the same thing !But the die had been cast-their brain cells altered as they moved like Zombies on command of the White  Slave Masters and their Judas Imps-being told that after they came back they would be given freedom! The Negro-Black slaves have been on that track to insanity for along time-even to this very day as so called African Americans, who thinks he's free with nothing! The other part to this Immigration situation relative to the Slavery in America and the Blacks is the Aryans-India-the Untouchables and The sellout Of the Late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Church when he gave Black lands of Israel to the White Zionist State Called Israel-knowing it wasn't his to give nor theirs to take under Identity Theft!...that Problem lingers to this very Day, knowing the "One Day War-and Divine Intervention in the Affairs Of Reuben and the twelfth House of great was their destruction they don't even want to talk about it's Sovereignty-not for Sale, Can't be Taken and those who think I'm kidding or playing a game will suffer the same fate-because now they know and it becomes a conspiracy to commit God Killing and denial of Prophecy(God's Word)!...the other part of this equation is the role the Latinos are playing under the Catholic Church and the Pope of Rome  ...and the convergence of many Spanish speaking Latinos to Judaism! This is done so that they can claim entry into the Black Birthright and the Lands of Israel in Scripture through Spain and the Native American Indians!!  Their method has been and is through the Church and White Zionist's is to enter the Black communities as minorities and flood the area's and peoples with dope-liquor and other  killing substances-depress the value of the land-buy it cheap and put Black ignorant slaves in a position to kill themselves then lay claim to Black Slaves birthright- take note and you'll see  this happening before your very eyes as they smile and call you BROTHER WITH JUDAS, your enemies! Check those from Belize, the Grand Bahamas(Caribbean) all the way from the Continent of Africa-Land of the Blacks..."Lest we Forget Judas is Not to Be Trusted!-this is no game but War because they won't tell you the truth-they hate you-they envy you as a class as they wax fat trying to be you ...this includes those from Panama! Watch and listen to the Latinos as they expand-in a hurry Economically, Politically, in Jobs Schools you name it! To my Brothers and Sisters "Lest We Forget" as Slaves and Slave Descendants We are the people WHO were brought here in Chains and Shackles-from Sovereign Land and Culture ripped apart Families and all- treated and sustained like animals told we were free with nothing! no pay from the fruits of our labor to be move around like pawns on a chest board in a conscience unconscious state of frustration...we are the  foundation-we built it!  Know this, after all the hiding and game playing by others and many of our own-the Spirit-Knowledge and Truth in Justice is and will be our as a Black Man ( Hebrew-Reuben Seed Of Jacob who Walked the Kings Highway and Entered the door -walked on Free Sovereign Land known to the world and Universe-I say's not for Sale(From the  Depths of my Soul and Spirit-this is not for your enemies and pretenders who want nothing more than your Identity as Blood sucking Vampires! ...Reparations,Restitution, Land!  Reuben...Son Of Simeon Seed of Jacob...Now go and question your Elders and Bishops who are trying to sell the flock a bill of lie about Jacob who they Claim stole the Birthright of Esau- he didn't want the Birthright-he didn't know the value of it because it wasn't his in the first place!... nor was it the place of Dr. King whom this nation celebrates to tell the world the Land belongs to Satan!!! (C)@ 2/6/2013..............Reuben Beckles


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