Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, February 04, 2013

As promised to doubting thoms -fools and hypocrites who think I"m standing around playing games in Diatribe-tast this -Prophecy In Black power is real!

Let's start with truth and end with interest as Reuben Son of Simeon-Seed of Jacob, born in America, San Francisco, California-gives me a very rich and heavy background-phyically,mentally,morally and spiritually-because it seems as if much dumb stuff started in the South east-east south north and ended in the west.What I learned was not a given-but through curiosity-investigation and ignorance on my part I earned and learned through action the reality of my wisdom and truth-so I will say at this point in time-it makes no differents who believes and who doesen't- as a black Man I simply say-White America and others do not see Black folk as their Equal and never will-and really want nothing to do with Black folk and they can't hide this truth forever! This is because we're different-phyically-mentally and spiritually! This accounts for how and why we the decendants of slaves are maintained in this land  home of the free!  Ex President Lincoln, knew this when he tried to tell this to Black leadership during and after the civil war...but black leadership then as now refused the understand the depth of his understanding-opting for unnatural integration.  The fight and war continues because the seeds of strife is rooted in the foundation as to how Blacks were stripped from their land and sold in animal status, labored in this land, told we're free with nothing (not paid for labor) !  Denied knowledge and education of self and kind( for over two hundred years-then given Civil Rights under the Constitution-to fight and die for White folk who for years during this time tried to destroy the native Americans whom they called Redman(Indians) -Not being able to destroy the natives-they gave them treaties-recogning their Soverienty-but the slaves recieved no treaty, then or now.  What they', the slaves were told fight for me or go to jail! What the Slaves found then and now as Judas sellouts talk about freedom and equality was a massive campaign of Identity Theft by White demons calling themselves Chirstains and White Zoinist calling themselves Jews! Talk to Black folk who leave this country or sevice men and women in the arm-forces and if they ARE HONEST they will tell you they're fighting Men and Women of Color" Black folk! ...why then are Black folk telling themselves and others they,re fighting for freedom and equality-in America, we have no  Land no Treaty no business of any consequence!...nothing but religous houses talking suff as their leadership live high!  All this in the face of Slavery being over-but no effort is being made enmass to return the slaves home in Soverienty-with the fruits of their labor...instead we're given a colored President who sents warriors-guns and amunition across the ocean to some mercenary Black leaders who are dead walking Zombies to finish killing off the rightful heirs to the Land-Land of the Blacks-whom many Black folk in this Land claim they're not a part of-Slavery is and has been a terrible situation-it's no wonder the slave masters want nothing to do with Karma-reaping what they have sown in the name of freedom and Equality-for whom ? not Black folk!  You may ask what was your position Mr. Reuben...when told "Uncle Sam needs You!" Answer..."Hell No We Won't Go!" and I didn't leave these shores to put one toe nail on those distant land to fight one Male man Woman or Child or steal anything that didn't belong to me  in the name of freedom and White equality!...what I did fight and know in certainty and Soverienty Is the Land of Reuben and the Kings-Hway, that the Arabs, under Islam" who were main partiscipants in Black slave trade(Ishmael and Esau-along with the Black Judas sellouts who know that the Day of Slavery relative to Prophecy are over-which was the Essence of the "One Day War !"  the destruction and turmoil in the middle east and the Aliyah-Rapture of the Black man.  The problem that must be resolved by Black is the trick used by Judas telling the world that we are all equal that the land belongs to everybody knowing that was a lie as he created a situation where Blacks were engaged in killing one another then he would claim the Hebrews birthright relative to Jacob and the twelve Houses of Israel-His strongest key was the White Zionist,the Black woman and  Isis while Dope was being spiced up and filtered into the Black communities across this Land  by White Latinos who now are trying to replace the Blacks  thinking Blacks would not find out that their people down in Mexico and other parts of Latin America sold them out during the  signing of the "Treaty of Guadalupe Hilda go"! The African American Colors and Whites of Africa, would move from Europe and Africa, to America,and claim the inheritance of the Black slaves  and their descendants under Identity Theft and the U.S. Constitution  of Laws and Amendments.! This is why they will ask you "whose Black in America?!"  You can't Answer if you don't know who you are or if you do you're ashamed of you pass history wanting to be White!  Your President says he wants Gun Control-but ask yourself how was this land taken and maintained if not by force of Arms(Guns) were other nations and cultures destroyed or guns!  Gay Rights, from a Christan...History shows us there is no sustained life in the active mating of Man to Man or Woman to Woman ,pure and simple Lust and in the end-Sodom and Gomorrah! the destrution of a people! reaps what one sows Calibine -Connecticut while the country is headed towards poverty the leaders who put the people in chaos think they have a hiding place but only god is in control in and under Divine intervention-Divine LAW AND PROPHECY!  ..."Lest We Forget"  The foundation -my actions for self and kind was Watts (1965) not 93!  Still in Doubt..investigate the higher degrees of Shrindom and Masonry-Or the Aryans with the knowledge of truth and their limited degrees of wisdom-even the Asians under Japnese and Chinese Cultures -or question the Black Muslims as to why they were able to use Black under the knowledge of the Moors yet they were unables to take over the Ancient House of Israel!  ...Slaves and Decendants= Reparation-Land and Restitutions!.....  Reuben Son Of Simeon-Seed Of Jacob  2/4/2013  (C)     @                 Reuben Beckles


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