Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rise Of Black Judas Sellouts in East and South Coast Of America-Looking For Acceptance With no Solutions for America or Africa!

It should not come as a surprise to anyone living in America or on the continent of Africa as to the rise of Black Judas sellouts who are now looking for acceptance from the international communities If you look into their pronouncements as members of the black board of Rabbi's you will learn they are the problem omitting deep spiritual truth- faith and action-in spite of what they claim to be. Truth is they're looking at money -power- wanting to be White Caucasians-same as Afro-Americans who want integration not solutions for a people in slaved by their past deeds of slavery and spiritual sellout of the continent by way of the Sanhedrin Council where knowledge and transfer of spirits took place giving rise to the Caucasians for (666,ooo years). The Caucasians know his time for ruling the planet is up and so do the Blacks who have been and are too this very day selling their peoples out to maintain the status quo-Religiously-Politically and Financially. You are looking at the spiritual Judas sellouts, t hen and now which is why there is so much chaos here and abroad. These folk represent the Satanic force who told God he would take ninety percent of his people to hell with him! Judas and the board of Rabbi's have no solution which is why you can listen to answers given in vague terms about faith as they claim kinship to Michele Obama, ...the President wife...which is why so much turmoil surrounds the White House! The President, lean age from Kenya speaks as a colored American to white America, with no solutions for Black folk and will continue refusing to address the question of being Black in Slavery and it's free labor debt for free labor plus compounded interest! Remember it was Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. who recognize the Caucasian Zionist State as Jews for which he received the Noble Peace Prize before he was taken out knowing these folk were not Jews which the Thirteenth Tribe gives reference too and as a reminder, Helen Thomas, one of the last real correspondent to the White House stated to the world-these folk are phony- give it up! Now we find that the President's wife is going along with the game...As a Black Man...Hebrew not in hiding I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone as I know the truth as the seed of Jacob son of Simeon in Prophecy-the Prophecy of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-(Israel). I also know the game The Black Muslims are playing as they too are extending a hand to all peoples trying to do away with Prophecy stating this is all their is! I would ask them as I would ask the broad of Rabbi's-if you had the knowledge of God (Why are you being Charged with conspiracy to commit God Killing)! How did we walk the Kings high way and enter the door and land in the East-Why and how were we Judged from (1963-by action in faith to the one day war of 1968) when the American and Zionist armies were wiped out trying to seal the land of Black Israel! Where is your wisdom to solve the problem of the Black Slaves of America and it's foundation which is at the heart and soul of the worlds problems but primarily America! I am not looking for acceptance and fame but truth and Justice in faith-because without real truth and justice chaos rules with no wisdom and a righteous people perish-knowing a Spiritual sellout is a terrible thing when one is blessed in and with the spirit of the living Most High only to end up at the table of Satan accepting crumbs-for when you accept them you won't change them they will change you! (c) Reuben...seed of Jacob-son of Simeon-July 25th 2012 Reuben Beckles


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