Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ursury-lies and deciet concerning Black Slaves of America-by Black So-Called Leadership!

We will embark upon the truth as head lines indicate ...Usury, lies and Deceit by Black leadership who know the truth but who took a pay off from Black Judas sellouts-rich White and colored folk along with the Asian, Arabs and European continent-to hold Black Slaves in check here in America, with their on and off lip service concerning Reparations and Land knowing they wouldn't have a leg to stand on if the slaves were to leave them as the prodigal Sons and Daughters relative to Scripture and Prophecy in Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! The Sixties under Black Power and the action of yours truly Reuben-Son Of Simeon-Seed of Jacob took as I walked the Kings Highway-entered that Spiritual Divine Door and took the Throne relative to Israel in the Rapture-Aliyah-which is the (12Th) house of Jacob in Israel( Foundation)! The word as is the Land can be found in Action-Word and Deed in the Divine Scriptures where my name Reuben is written! This is no joke as Nations and Individuals have been trying to enter that Land for Centuries until I made the journey in (1963) and the real sellout of Israel by Black Judas Sellouts took place and didn't end until (1968) and the "One Day War!) when the White Zionist went to War against me my house and kind- calling themselves Jews tried to take the land over-this being Spiritual Land-The Supreme Lord=God stepped in and wiped them out! This while Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was telling the world to leave them alone-that the Land was theirs-which he and they knew was a lie! Those who were in the Church-Islam-Synagogue knew the Truth but didn't have to Wisdom or Balls to Stand after we returned to this land of America and I was thrown in Jail beaten beyond all moral perception and charged with crimes I didn't commit while those leaders in charge of the various religions and secret societies with their palms out took the crumbs as the harvest for what I had done for the benefit of self and kind-the Nation! As a result of being thrown in Jail-sometime later there was a trial- the Divine Spirit Spirit stepped in and I was released. This all happened even though I had a family and many of the opposition had none-yet-today many of these same lying hypocrite's will tell you and the world what I'm telling you now didn't happen or if it did happen I didn't or couldn't return as they continue talking and preaching with their hand out in the name of Jesus or whom ever elses they can find to use...anyone or anything but the truth-which is why you don't hear of the Rapture -Abraham-Isaac or Jacob-they can't Stand as Men cause they have no balls and follow the woman who cannot and will never walk the Kings Highway or reach it's wisdom. This is why they all applaud President O"bama's position and declaration concerning Equality and Same Sex Marriage! My question to him and others since we are both family Men-what happens when either or both of his Daughters knock on the door and introduce their husbands to him and his wife as females while he holds his present position? The positions and actions that most of so-called African males are taking in today's Climate is that of the female and the Willie Lynch insanity where 'love is unconditional' anything goes and Justice means Nothing! As a Black Man I say to the individual or collective keep this insanity and religion with you I'll keep my Man hood and Spirit relative to Divine Justice! You can also keep the position of Rodney King-Martin Luther King and all the rest who take these foolish positions that have no substance and value-this also includes this young Boy who was just released from prison for the rape of a young Black girl-a crime he didn't commit but was prompted by her Mother so she could receive (1.2million dollars) from the school which was paid to the Mother-but the boy who served the time didn't demand Justice -all he wanted was to play foot ball! This is the same as the President claiming Justice -Freedom and Democracy for the world as he sends Guns and ammunition to the Black continent he claims to be from instead of those things which will fill the stomach-enrich the mind and stir the creative juices to help the people-build and create a better life which is where Black folk as ex-slaves here in America come into play-with Land Reparations and Restitution-knowing this time the Black females and her white -colored counter parts won't be in the position to block the coming home party as they did with Marcus Garvey! I say Black woman because at this point in History she has become the real Black man's primary enemy in deed and attitude knowing she was no where to be found when we walked the kings high way-she had given the Man up as a Greek in Jesus to the world and Islam making way for usury and the Colored woman to take his spirit for this insane system-which is where ISIS -Egypt and the Africans who gave the continent up come in - replace the Black Man here in America as Judas and claim the Debt of the Slave in the name of the African American, while at the same time dismantling the Prophesy in Jacob -now you know why theirs so much hell going on here and around the world-Black Judas sellouts have promised the promised land to every Nation in the world a Land which was not theirs to give and why Reuben-a Black Man Seed of Jacob stood alone -walked the talk that others were claiming and became victorious in this day and time knowing the Land or Action relative to this truth is not for sale at any price! ...knowing a Man is entitled to the fruits of his Labor! Either we did what we did in making this claim or we didn't let the lying pretender's and hypocrites come forth and take the Land if they dare! If my Name is not on the land in question in the end you're not just fighting the Man King-you're fighting God in Prophecy relative to Jacob and Justice in the Land and House of Reuben and you've already lost with no Man hood -no Balls! Stop claiming something that's not yours-even Jesus said pick up your cross and follow him -in his Fathers House are many Mansions-the reason they don't do it is because of Greed-selfishness-lies and deceit ending in identity theft! Reuben Seed of Jacob-Son Of Simeon-(C)@ 5/26/12


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