Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, May 14, 2012

America and the Black Slaves- Christian Colored President with no room for truth and Black Wisdom!

For sometime now many have questioned my statement concerning the attitudes and policies of America's President-Mr.Obama, simply because I call the shots as I see them. Experience, Knowledge and Wisdom and age gives me the freedom to do so as a Black man and not play games with words and pull punches for the shake of going along to get along-too much is at stake here-meaning the Survival -Justice and Freedom of a people. From Chains and Shackles to Animal Status to neither nor Colors-Negroes-Indians- Afro-African Americans to (Black?)...too the melting pot of Equality and the halo of Gay rights and acceptance! Given the status and foundation of those who made it to the shores of what is now called America and it's so-called land of the free ...demoralized as subhuman from a point of no return to be stripped of everything human and spiritual value then told you're free-with nothing and no acceptance is the highest form of folly known to Man!...since this nation is hung up on color I will include Black-White-Yellow-Red and Brown and I will also include this Colored Boy with his Constitutional Law Degree from Kenya who feel nothing for Black like many others in high positions claiming to be colored blind just to accepted by the neither nos and White Slaves Masters on this White Plantation surrounded by this insane com on- wealth of hypocrisy! It's very obvious to me and should be too others of righteous Just minds that the utterances of "No Justice No Peace" is that the Foundation of this nations rise is because of free labor and a debt unpaid!...compounded by color and the interest rate on the debt at today's going rates just like your credit cards which amounts at this point in time to Hundreds of Trillions of Dollars in Gold and Silver -other precious metals-Diamonds and Land as a starter! Some may say I'm talking foolish-insanity until you examine the record from the foundation of Black in the Nation and take your head out of the dirt, away from the black and White woman's panties along with the White Man's folly and hypocrisy= Black Judas imps and sellouts who want nothing but the total wipe out of Black Lean age in Jacob and Prophecy which is why they push Jesus and unconditional love in lite of Divine Law ...check that out-cause under this insanity a person can do anything they want too and in the end no punishment; they're free! This is not truth and if you say Amen it is true try driving around the city or through small town U.S.A. at (90-100 miles ) an hour and let the police catch you...and please don't hit a pedestrian! Now consider the many Graduates coming out of the Universities and colleges across the land with degrees of all kinds along with the Economy being what it is and Blacks suffering with tremendous unemployment( 18-25 percent) where are you going-to the corner store with food stamps-back home to Mom and Dad-if there is a Mom and Dad-fall in line with the other beggars, Steal, lie and sell Dope causing death and destruction or according to truth and Prophecy demand that which tell you you have a right to demand and receive in relation to your foundation Land-Restitution-Reparations...Back to your Land on your continent...Land of the Blacks as Prodigal Son and Daughters and be of value to yourselves and kind or be the laughing stock of the world with nothing -to be eliminated from the Planet! Reuben(Israel) Seed Of Jacob-Son Of Simeon ...(c) @ 5/14/2012- Not Identity Theft Nor Anonymous Proxy - Reuben Beckles


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