Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pollute Prophecy and Faith Of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob Using Spirit Of Religions To Committ God Killing!

The above title looms even larger today in America, relative to emigration- destruction of Black civilization and more important are the Black slaves of America and their descendants who didn't arrive here freely but in chains and shackles -considered sub-human but whose knowledge and free labor built this nation while being denied basic human values of themselves(identity)...language-family structure and total demise of their skin coloring and features along with a total disregard for their foundation which pre-dates American and western Civilizations across the board! The sad thing about American Caucasians and their allies(Black Judas Sellouts) is that they love to flatter themselves as to how great they are relative to this nation and the world, they want to dominate as builders. Today if you are grounded-proud and knowledgeable about Black self and kind you should ask yourselves where were these hypocrites during (Babylonia-Sumer-Kish-Ur...Mesopotamia-Assyria-Nimrod(Ethiopia-Egypt-Canaan(Ancient Israel-Jacob! Today the Secular States around the world are in chaos this includes America relative to Law...Secular-Spiritual-Divine! These nation States claim this wisdom and knowledge as their head and foundation in and of truth to their maker in Judaism-Christianity-Islam! Yet, live like beasts and savages towards Black folk and others whose cultures and peoples they ripped off and lived on today especially, the Black slaves of America, yet to be recognized and paid their just due which includes Land! Having lived and experience life in and on this land relative to this nation and it's pronouncements concerning religion and it's application to Black folk in slavery both Christianity and Islam represent nothing more than containment and death for the Faithful and believers which is why real Black freedom has been temporally stalled-- knowing the real Black spiritual Revolution is on going and if you read parts of the "Koran" It states Christianity and Islam are one and the same. Some of us didn't have to read it to know it as they are both at this moment fighting one another for international Universal power as slavery remains the same-different face same game! The entire freedom situation has become a class colored seen and unseen war as Black Judas sellouts working with coloreds as Black freedom fighters join forces with the slave masters of Europe-Latin America and Asia the United States to form an alliance against everything Black! This alliance also includes Isis and the Black women of America as she fights her self and kind-this accounts to a large extent to her sorry attitude and to a large measure homo-sexuality as she is told she's as much Man as any Man! She Carry's with her the same spirit as Eve-the rib wanting complete control. In this system she's given the children-a pair of pant--access into financial systems that white men control- she looks upon the white man as her Man and lover and at the same time she denounces herself -her Man- her kind as the weaker Man accepts this nonsense and the lesbian walks in whom she also submits too!...hence the alliance to "Commit God Killing!" All this is to kill and destroy Black Value-the Black Man-the Black Family and kind-peace and harmony ...your city state Culture and Civilization-your foundation and spiritual mental state-into Chains and Shackles and the temples of nothingness to his Temples of White Supreme Superiority. He calls the Science of his knowledge-Colored and White Superiority! What this fool forgot-the Black Slaves built the Nation and was never paid-and the source of our knowledge and faith live in the Divine Creator and his Creation"The Law!" While he was denying the Slaves Education needed in todays' world he gave you the slaves, Christianity and Islam where a part of Divine Law resides! To late he recognizes it as he attempts to escape in missiles to other planets much like the Tower of Babel only to find no hiding place! Time to examine truth and facts...Under Christianity and Islam Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X traveled this land East West North and South even to other countries under the banners of Justice Peace Love and Brotherhood! Both died while the Slaves and their situation remains the same with no land Justice or Independence because they're still tied to the apron strings of slavery and the slave Masters telling the world that the real meaning of Black Power which is to Love God self and Kind, be willing to put own self on the line for it -is some how an act of a Terrorist omitting the fact that many Slaves only thought was yearning to be free on their own land! Under the format of both religions-obedience and subservience is the order of the day to those in authority of power who feel nothing for anyone especially what is called the under class of nothingness whether as an individual or a collective of individuals-you're not of their class or kind! To keep the slaves in line jobs are given to all who serves him in the name of the religions he pretends to serve! Many Blacks slaves have fought served and died for this nation of hypocritical religious phonies crying then as now because they still aren't accepted! Every now and then a Man like Dr. King comes along and gives the nation hope in his death-hoping the Slaves will follow his(Dr. King's) insanity! In his honor they give him and his followers a parade-organized by slave women wearing pants leading their harlots to the tune of drums saying look and desire me hips swaying and shaking their behinds like slaves to their Arab rulers ...believing Kings death and white lip service along with colored( acceptance would free them into Civil Rights called the Black freedom Movement! It was all a terrible joke an illusion in action that wasn't meant to free Black folk with "Restitution, Reparations and Land because you're to valuable as Slaves! Lest We Forget" It was the pronouncement in action of Black Power that said enough of the talk and meekness while being denied, cattle prod, water hosed, lynched, beaten and abused that put the world on the verged of being destroyed and bringing this house down! Specifically it was "Divine intervention !" The spirit of knowledge, Divine Wisdom in action that brought forth the wisdom and Power of my God and the Prophecy of Jacob of which I am the Seed...Son of Simeon-found in Scriptures same as the Book Of Eli" who walked alone by Faith! I walked into a Black Book store there was a map on the wall that covered an entire space from top to bottom-it was a map showing the 'Tribe(House Of Reuben)!' There was a question in one of the current magazines on the front desk"Entitled To whom does this land belong? It showed an extension of land mass from Africa to the middle east part of the Land mass that Dr.King told the world it belonged the the White Zionists! In Christendom he knew it was a lie! Under Islam Elijah Muhammad was teaching his followers that the spirit was a joke(spook ism) not real, that Black Man was God whom he secretly envy while denouncing the whites as devils while at the same time giving them praise for freeing black folk who still aren't free. Elijah was talking black while at the same time taking Black spirits and turning them against themselves for the benefit of white and colors leaving the Blacks as slaves ! This is why he and others chose not to recognize our Ascension in ((1968) and the "One Day War)" He found Prophecy and the spirit was no game and real which he and others had been denouncing!...leaving the Black slaves with no Land and Hope! He wrote in (1975) before his death there would be no more Islam-what it would be after him he didn't know. His organization under Islam in the name of Black was set up by Judas sellouts for colored folk. Director Spike Lee showed on the big screen under "School Days and the Greek Fraternities this insane problem with color all in the face of Black folk pushing and believing in across the board Brotherhood-to their own demise! The Christian Church and Elijah under Arab Islam were both against God in the Spirit and thought Man and his knowledge of God made them God hence, they failed as non believers in the secular state-Malcolm X found it out too late and was killed at the hands of the colored organization using Black! It was during these tumultuous times when the questioned was asked To Whom Did The Land Of Jacob Belong? I answered the question that knowledgeable people around the world knew when I speak of 'Walking the Kings Highway' as the seed of Jacob it was done in the Divine Spirit of the Living God-their Creator and by no other force!That prophecy was and is real marking their demise and end of their civilization because they failed in their attempt to eliminate the spirit take the land not for sale God Killing! I am by action and truth who I say I am. Justice to the Black slaves and their descendants of this Land not the melting pot offered which is no freedom at all relative to the Divine Ascension-Rapture-Aliyah! Like the Christians the Muslims of Islam want power and the ability to use folk in not freedom but slavery otherwise they want nothing to do with free men! Much of Elijah knowledge came from 'Marcus Garvey'-Egypt,Isis as a corner stone to take spirits-Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia-all Jealous of black in truth! God Is!Included are some names and organizations as promised in my last Blogger! So that you will know we didn't start on this path yesterday...Occupant of the White House-State Department Of Justice-State Department-Herald Dispatch-Shriner's-Masons-Eastern Stars-Isis-Daughters of Isis-Knights of P-Greek org.-Ambassador Extra-Ordinary Plenipotentiary-His Excellency-permanent Mission Hashim Kingdom of Jordan-Permanent Mission Of Saudi Arabia to United Nations-Chester A.Hogan (Imperial Potentate of North America) President Lyndon Johnson(White House)-Richard Nixon-Nelson A. Rockefeller -George Rommy-Ronald Reagan-The Kennedy's-Wayne Morris-George Wallace-Gerald Ford-Mark Hatfield-Edward Brooks-Tom Brady- Sam Yorty-Gus Hawkins-Ivan Allen-Otto Kerner-Fred Harris-John Towers-James Corman-Henry W. Meier-Jerome P.Cavuanagh-Mike Mansfield- Eugene McCarthy-Everett Dirksen- George Murphy-Black Fraternities and Sororities- Black Student Unions-Nation of Islam-National Conferences of Mayors and Lawyers-Religious Ministers and organization across the land and over seas! This is only a partial list of people and organizations with whom we have communicated. This was done in an attempt to show we didn't start our journey yesterday or the day before--Wisdom Knowledge and Justice that's for real. Should anyone doubt it or the truth of it stand -claim and take the land relative to Reuben son of Simeon seed of Jacob and you will find out what that phonies fictitious state of Israel and their follower know- it's no game Black- is real!(c) 1/25/12 Reuben Beckles


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