Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

American Blacks and Decendants refuse to accept Truth of Their Foundation-chains and Shackles-Confusion-No Solution!

Big problems for Blacks in America and their descendants because there was a time limit placed on their situation of slavery in America relative to prophecy and their horrific condition refusing to accept the truth in action placed on a whole race of people ending in Identity Theft-acceptance of the status-quo-in every ones house but their own. Believing we're all alike-same-fighting themselves for everyone-with nothing but a dream for themselves in the end. Not even the solution given by The Lord of Host in the Spirit! This is why they go from Boy-Uncle-Black-colored-Negros- Afro-African Americans-with religious tags that in most cases they themselves don't understand tricked misused and abused!The solution was and is not a game anymore than chains and shackles and mind altering drugs! The solution is no accident. American Caucasians including slaves were put to death if they were found teaching the slaves to read or write. Beaten-lynched-castrated-cattle prod-just for looking at a Caucasian woman! This and more was done to Black males while he had his way with Black women here and on the continent from where Blacks were taken. He was accepted there as a Man-you were not accepted here-not even in animal status. Today in the twenty-first century-you and your descendants are told and expected to do with excellence all those natural God given talents to and for the nation . How insane is that-they took the best you had in the past and gave you nothing-today your descendants are expected to create and die for them to live with something! Especially, in the field of Law and Economics! Strange times in which we live -Blacks living in the Common Wealth of Nations are told-We who are living under The American Constitution are lazy-can't work-won't work don't have the mind to understand "Capitalism" and the American way of life! All this in the face of the foundation-Black Slaves-and knowledge who were brought to these shores in Chains and shackles and paid nothing after being stripped of almost everything! now we're being told that the Caucasian population is dropping-that their brother's across the waters(England) and the conservative party is changing the structure and foundation of their nation which can't be seen by the population at this time-but they're changing!...In part by accepting same sex Marriage ...Citizenship and religion this after being in the forefront of the melting pot! These changes are no different than the changes taking place here in America in relation to Civil Rights where everyone is claiming apart of the sleeping Black pie-even where the "Nation of Cherokee Indians decided they no longer wanted Black Slaves and their descendants to be apart of them! They may even do like the conservative party of England and say to hell with Black adults "adopt the children and turn them into us! Getting back to the dropping population of Caucasians in America is a joke especially when considered in the lite of Mexicans and Latinos now considered and accepted as White-which in my opinion is why immigration policies and Laws are not being enforced and the rise of a colored President whom they're now fighting tooth and nail! Big mistake-President Obama-can't get them into the Promised Land-and can't and won't deal with the real Slave question of Black folk in America! To deal with the immigration situation along the southern border is to deal with the "Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo" showing that Mexico sold their people out for Gold and Silver including the lands within the United States. (Arizona-Texas-California-New Mexico-Colorado. Many of these folk are now claiming through the Catholic Church and secret societies with the help of Black Judas sellouts to be Hebrews Israelites-Jews when these folk weren't even on the planet-as the Originals were and are Black! Many are now trying to flex their muscles demanding Blacks prove who they are-which I will do before I close this Blogger! This because blacks taught Caucasians and gave them Civilization-through the Sanhedrin Council-transferring many Black spirits to White! This gets us back to the real foundation of America and free Slave Labor-Black-sold out by other Blacks on the Continent of now known Africa!...denied and being rejected by some black folk today-nevertheless-fact and true! Consider this in the lite of time as truth unfolds-the majority of Blacks evolving on this land are trying to live out Social Economical Communism-in a European Capitalistic System-called the United States Of America! This experience is phony-lacks wisdom and Justice-as it keeps an entire race of people killing one another trying to rise to what they think is the top-only to find out what real IDENTITY THEFT IS...requiring Divine intervention! I now give you an extension of the Royal Kings Highway and the Mountain Top=the Gulf Of Aqaba to the point of EZion Gerber-Israel ending in Damascus-not Caucasian -Black! Reuben Seed Of Jacob Son Of Simeon-and not by Anonymous Proxy (C) @10/22/2011 Reuben Beckles ...A Declaration of Independence! A Statement Of Truth! Black Power! Reuben will now complete my ID in action for those who think I'm an O.G. A game player or some such foolishness who needs an Anonymous Proxy to speak in my behalf. The name means behold the Son- he who grew up by the Water! Pisces stands for Moral standards, faith-key word-I Believe. In Masonry Pisces represents Sovereign Grand Inspector General-33rd Degree and beyond metaphorically depicted as a Fish moving upstream against all odds!" It's also an astrological term as a representation of the 12Th house as the Most High Lord of Host! It's a constellation of the 12Th sign of the zodiac. The term Pisces means 'The Fishes' -the vernal equinox a point where the sun crosses an extension of the earth's equator-beginning of spring in Pisces...with this knowledge I entered the struggle for freedom and Justice for the slaves and Black folk in the wilderness of North America-found the Wisdom and truth of the King's Highway and God's Supreme House in the east! For those who disbelieve, that's on them! Restitution, Reparation, Justice and a Tsunami we came from the foundation up-try this solution for America and slaves and their descendant's relative to unpaid free labor!


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