Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Scarce Tactics-concerning America's Debt Problems designed to surcomvent Truth-Solution to Black Slavery and Debt owed!

After all is said and done Truth stands and debt will and must be paid to Black slaves and their descendants with Land and compounded interest along with other items mentioned as policy stated in other copyrighted materials and Blogger by yours truly ( Reuben-son of Simeon-Seed of Jacob-known here and around the world relative to Divine Prophecy and Law. Truth and Law that this nations leaders( Ministers-Politicians-Activists-Bankers-Judas Sellouts and other money interest have been hiding for years! If one listens and watches closely and you know your history you will come to the ultimate truth-all this noise about America and the world debt is about the Black foundation and Identity theft-the sellout of Jacob's Land and the twelve houses of Israel-wrapped in economics-politics and religion designed to keep the poor down and out and the truth in the dark. Oops! The Nation is crumbling-the greedy phonies are lost looking for answers-mad because they thought Wars-a colored President who hates Black-using phony coloreds as Black solution in education-on radio-in front of television camera's making unreal policies for national consumption would set the phonies free in their new world order-oops! that to failed! Who do they blame-the half black President" Obama! He like his followers take orders being led to believe they were in control. Half Black-Black or Colored-he's not wanted in the White House -He can not deliver the Birthright and it's people-at any price! He and the Judas sellouts got what they wanted ...the melting pot-common wealth-a head ache-the debt! Question-what do you do and where do you go from here? My position has not- will not change! Check the record-this is my stand-my position-what's yours? Reuben-son of Simeon-Seed of Jacob! (@) 7/27/11 Reuben Beckles


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