Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pulling No Punches-Negros-African American-Judas Sellouts want The Melting Pot-its Yours!

Pulling no punches-let's be for real in Israel and the throne of Reuben and spiritual common sense relative to Slavery-the international debt and land-freedom and Independence. If you ask members of the organizational secret societies upon which religious houses are based and built they will tell you what I did and claim never happened-what they will tell you is we're all the same-God loves unconditionally-in the name of Jesus or the X factor-meaning you don't know who you are but they do and they have everything covered and no one will be able to go through the eye of the needle-this because spiritually they have created utter chaos and warfare in the atmosphere and around the world-therefore you must submit to them! But now let's deal with the truth-plain and simply put-they are the ones who sold Israel out to the nations of the World-because of selfishness envy and greed-they have become thugs and gangsters in the name of religion! How do I know this? Because they are taught Spiritual truth of the nations - God and the Divine Creation-they know God chooses whom he pleases on his time. They know what we did when we walked the Kings Highway and crossed the Jordan-they were and are so envious and angry they imploded because we were never apart of their organizations whether Greek-Masons-Shrinedom you name it-their job was to kill me off so that my actions-through the spirit of my God and faith would never be known relative to Abraham Isaac and Jacob! Pulling no punches if I don't come forth with this truth they won't and never will! They can't and won't challenge my wisdom action and truth-its God given and slavery is over. If slavery is over what is their purpose-what is their foundation? Mine is related to slaves-the land and what they're due. It's not a game it's not folly and I'm not pretending to be something I'm not! I see no value or purpose in representative's of black folk-leaders working for the slave masters talking-having town meetings after town meeting while situation remains the same with no solutions while victims told and shone as criminals lied to and on abused and misuse.! What's with these so-called educated leaders? If I see it the people affected feel it and the world knows it! Truth is they are all living high at the expense of the innocence-throwing rocks hiding their hands! Pulling no punches-let's open the eye to those who thought our wisdom and knowledge was controlled in their cesspool of nothingness as they check some of the nations listed on this blogger including nations in the east control by the mind set of Esau and Ishmael-who hate Jacob with a passion. Prophecy states there will be fire in the front of you-around you over your head and all sides-but you must go through it! I know it having done it when I found the Kings Highway-crossed the Jordan and took the throne! Let those who claim it's a lie claim it-do it! Knowledge is not hidden nor is the truth. Countries listed...United States-China- Germany-Russian Federation-Ukraine-UK-great Britain-Korea Republic HongKong-France-Finland-Japan-Netherlands-Indonesia-Switzerland-Ireland-Macaw-Mexico-Brazil-Belgium-Israel-Jordan-Egypt-United Arab league- United Nations-Saudi Arabia-United African league-Iran-Iraq-Syria-Denmark -Belize-Common Wealth- South Africa-Bulgaria- Romania-Czech Republic-Hungry-Austria- Australia-List will do for now more will come later! This is no lie who's telling the truth-who's telling the lie...who's serving the Devil" -two! Try thirteenth tribe-protocol of Zion-Choice...then tell God he lied!" Reuben Son of Simeon(@) 5/15/2011 Seed of Jacob Reuben Beckles


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