Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Still Water Runs Deep-Sovereign Waters of Jordan Reigns Highest

Like the Sovereign waters of the Jordan-the ascension of Christ-like Easter has come and gone-stage of chaos remains the same as truth becomes more profound and nature -waters of the Tsunami creates havoc that lying hypocrite's and demons cannot contain nor control. There was a time when News reporters would go into the highways-in a country-city and state-into townships and out of the way places to uncover news of substance-today from station to station radio-television or other wise with few exceptions we are fed baby food by educated males and females under the titled of news reporters-all reading from the same script. People pay tremendous taxes-with debt they or nation cannot sustain. Any fool knows you can't borrow one's self out of debt. As some point wealth must be created as did the Slaves who were never paid-but debt remains under compounded interest-for Slaves and descendants-as far back as (1863) in the form of Gold-Diamonds-Silver-Platinum IE,as basis for money-certain Trees-Seeds medical supplies and what ever else is needed as a starter-tractors-well digging equipment-tools to meet our needs-to be delivered on our land and continent-that we suggest. We realize that you need jobs-work to help you pay your current debt-and the debt which stems from the foundation of free labor involving this nation along with the continued slavery and disenfranchisement to this date! The sooner the nation gets started by paying it's debt to the slaves the better off we'll all be as compounded interest grows daily, same as the nations you are currently borrowing from! Government, will be able cut cut back on greed and waste-in and out of Government-creating more jobs for it's people. Start with cuts in war machinery-tax loop holes for big business-roads that lead no where-schools that are taking up space while pretending they're teaching-increase draft for thugs and gangsters who can find nothing better to do than terrorise the innocent...we know they go for bad so let them show their man hood by letting them serve on the front line of the various war front around the world-be of value for something-not a thug and gangster for nothing. This should really be fun for the bullies! This would cut through the folly of Identity theft-Illegal Immigration-welfare fraud-in and out of Government! This leads my thought process to the deportation of slaves-we're not wanted and the money-your God on paper is funny-relieve the population explosion so that the mind can be stimulated to do something of value and you can stop exploiting your Colored President-who can't give the colored Afro-American and Whites what they want and Black Judas sellouts can't take "The Promise Land" which Dr. King spoke of and I entered and not by Identity Theft! If it's theirs they won't have to pretend-lie and steal! While we're on your president-why not tell the truth like Helen Thomas-who spoke to the Jewish Question-be for real-what she spoke from knowledge can be found in prophecy of the bible and the thirteenth tribe. I know, having walked the King's Highway and entered the Door of Reuben-causing the "One Day War" 1968! As to your President-go to your Medical professionals and ask them how many extended vertebrate's have they removed from Animal White Monkey's who walk up right like people-but wear tails-who follow the man with knowledge and features like Barrack Obama...I know this as a Spiritual Truth-like many other's! Let's be for real-talk for real-and move in concert with real wisdom and truth towards solutions-or let the Tsunami and nature move you into destruction and more Chaos! (@) April 27 2011-Reuben Seed of Jacob son of Simeon Reuben Beckles


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