Pay to History and Black Slavery-America!
The history of America and Black folk is written in lies- deception-greed and more greed in the name of religion and money. We are told to get an education and work our way out of poverty and slavery into the middle class-which is now being destroyed by the very people who created this insanity-all in the name of a war machine to protect a free enterprise system and democracy. Esau-Ishmael-Judah-Ethiopia-Identity thief of Israel-Egypt had more than just a small part to play in the rise of the Caucasians of Europe-the destruction of the Black civilization on the land of the Blacks and slavery in America and it's institutions which sustains the insanity of slavery to this very day-the twenty first century! The marvel of Black is that we are even on the planet today-given the hell heaped upon our minds- spirit and bodies. Deceived, stolen-ripped off-lynched-castrated-imprisoned-families destroyed then told you're free in a system that hates you in and on a land that's not yours as you labored for nothing but the joy and pleasure of this insane slave master! Education was denied but today we are told education is needed to get ahead and compete-forget the past and your foundation-just move ahead! Everyone has a language, culture and history...a foundation-but Black- yet, as descendants of thinkers-creators and doers- in this system-blacks languish with no representation-poor education-jobs in disarray-homes in fore closer-living in cities rack with pain-trying to stay above the bottomless pit-fighting for the slave master going no where! Your leaders say you're spiritual-religious-you should have hope in the divine-keep the faith while they steal you blind and sell you out and doing so have become demons-devils of the highest order! But-here's the truth behind the faith-rooted in Christ-Abraham-Isaac and Jacob in prophecy known by the nations of the world which includes the Latinos out of Rome- Spain and Mexico-now using Black through the church with the help of the Black Judas sellouts and secret societies! When Blacks were suppose to have been given freedom they and their descendants received nothing which would have been real Justice and freedom-called reparations-restitution and land-back to their land-Blacks suffer en mass today because it never happened and their slavery continues! Try this on for the country is going mad because of Economics-lack of income(money)! Can you imagine this after all the hell they heaped on Black folk with no pay! For starters- if the slave masters and their families want pay and jobs-through their political and economical system pay the slaves the (stimulus) money owed -give themselves jobs by building tractors-well digging equipment-and other unknown equipment not stated by the slaves at this time as they return home on their continent along with Gold -Silver-Diamonds-platinum and other items of their choosing-continuing until the debt of free slave labor is paid-this is a starter! You get the jobs with your system in tack-they put their lives and families together. Since China and India want into this economy what better way for them to save face since they too- benefited from black slavery when they opted to buy America's debt!-This is rooted in Divine Prophecy-or there will be nothing! You cannot take a Man from his foundation-put him in bondage in another man's land and foundation then tell him he never had it so good with nothing!! Reuben-son of Simeon...Seed of Jacob from beyond the fertile crescent... (c) 11/3/2011 Reuben Beckles
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