Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Saturday, July 03, 2010

Black Truth-Prophecy In Action-Old School-New School

Twenty first century in U.S. of America-Black men in this country must be for real with themselves and others relative to their foundation and truth or be wiped out-game playing and burying ones head in the sand is over! Black man's foundation in this nation is like no other man's on the planet-talk from the White-Yellow-Brown-Red and anything in between relative to equality-freedom and justice is about putting other folk houses in order and harmony-at your expense. You are lead to believe white women is your goal in image in black and white-Black women left you to fight the good fight as she fought you for all these other nations and peoples of the world as Isis-divas- mother's -professional-rooted in religions and secret societies -like Judas proclaiming unconditional love in the name of God and Jesus! This game is played out under the umbrella of Economics -home -churches and politics...the melting pot of the common weatlh of (Europe-England) and the Selling of Spirits-to Caucasian Zionists calling themselves Jews-who have nothing to do with the prophecy of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob-These folk want the identity and land of the Black Man-here in America-promised to them By Judas-in the name of Christianity-in an attempt to do away with the prophecy of Jacob-Canaan and the twelve Houses of Israel. The "One Day War of 1968" will attest to their Conspiracy-failing in their attempt to steal the promise Land for greed-selfishness and contempt for God and "little people!" Their acts in deed -is an act to commit an act of'conspiracy to commit God killing-and they will pay! Today they're hiding out with the weatlh and money they stole and the lands they occupy-ruling with laws they feel nothing for and people they hold in utter contempt! It was Reuben who fought them on the front line of defense in prophecy-old school-who did not and would not sell out-rendering new school under the constitution and their acceptance of folly with no foundation in chaos. Enters the so-called new black man -in the person of Obama-President Obama-a Colored man who reads a script written by and for the advancement of Colored white folk-and the Black Judas sellouts talking about "Immigration Reform" and white folk coming to these shores to make a better life for themselves and families-while Black folk and their families came to these shores in chains and shackles-slave labor who never got paid to say nothing concerning their descendants and the land from whence they came. One of the greatest news stories of late in relation to this trend of thought is Helen Thomas-who said the occupiers should leave the stolen lands and identity they are trying to steal and return to Poland -Germany-Russia-United States and where ever else they came from-they're not Semitic! How about Black folk here in America? What about Esau and Ishmael who are promoting all this insanity in the name of "Oil producing Republics?" While we are on this subject-what about all these other folk coming to this nation standing on the backs of black free slave labor-who never received Land nor reparations for free labor-that includes -Latin Latinos-of Central-South America-Mexico-Carri bean -Belize and Africa-relative to the Catholic Church! Truth is Truth! Many family's south of the border-got money under the table when this land was seeded to the U.S.-Families down their would have the world believe they received nothing as they feel nothing for their own-til it suits their game politically-same as Africans who are selling their own out today instead of making it better for their people to live-but then-they too will pay to Prophecy! None can run or hide from the truth-Katrina-Catastrophic dilemmas in the Gulf and else where because of greed-same is true as the volcano eruption in Iceland reeking havoc in Europe and elsewhere along with their financial institutions-and America's failing Empire as they give lip service to the Black slaves who can-will and must speak and act for our selves! Many may think this is just talk and a game-then let the individuals-Armies and game playing fools try and take over Canaan -Prophecy Black man and his Spirit in God-You too will learn and know the truth in the new school with no foundation! Reuben-Seed of Jacob @(c)July 3-2010 reuben beckles


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