Pimps, thugs, hustlers, and con men with titles in high places- lying to the people and the world for money and fame!
At this point in history my mind is centered in and around the Balance and Scales of Justice relative to apology and the debt owed to the slaves of America and their descendants-this is known as Atonement...a legal act of reparations in action-not just talk! If a man or groups of men are caught lying and stealing in a ponzi pyramid scheme they not only go to jail and if money and goods are found from the scheme they are auctioned off and the victims are paid! In the case of the American slaves and their descendants lip service is the order of the day while delay-garbage and death is lay ed on their heads and placed on their feet-until one day they rise up and throw it back at the slave master and his imps. Those who perpetuated the insanity of this hellish slavery have the nerve to call the victims-savages-beasts ...black communists and words I will not use on this Blogger! But I will say these are knowledgeable folk...punkest wolves in sheep's clothing with no sense of wisdom or Justice! We are dealing with titles like...Esq. -Rev.-ministers-Attorneys At Law-Activist for the Communities-Phd's and so forth...you name the title it's the same right across the board! Let us examine one such title from the list above...(Esq or esquire)-which is a man of the English gentry...candidate for knighthood but rank is below the knight. seems to me this suggest the common wealth of England and English law. The person I'm referring too had an article in the Pasadena Journal and practices criminal Law. The article was entitled "Shame on you Black America!" He was suggesting the ills of America was created by black America, and who black folk in America should emulate and look up to and get off the back of white folk! My thought is this ...if the Good Esq would stop involving his mind in so much criminal law which leads the victim into the prisons which is good for the economy and system and look at the depths of slavery and how money was and is made without paying the debt to the victims of slavery then you have no solution and you enjoy making money on the victims! If you don't enjoy the pain and suffering of the victims try going into (Spiritual Divine Law) the Book is there-the Solution is there! it supersedes criminal law. What you and others are saying to the victim is Grow Up. Listen to yourself and take a page from yourself. This Blogger is in part about titles the individuals who carry these titles with dignity and pride-knowledge yet-haven't a clue as to the boiling pot of discontent under their feet and over their heads. Ex President Carter-spoke to the truth of this boiling pot of racism and hatred in the land concerning what most thought was a Black man in the white house-but then looks are deceiving and what President Obama, is showing this nation and the world...he's not Black-doesn't want to be Black and no solution for Black! just like most colors who pretend for convenience-using Black to fight and destroy themselves for white. It is stated that a mind is a terrible thing to waste-education is the way-yet the educated ones seem to have little concern as the nation is being changed and destroyed ...not by the slaves whose free labor built the nation but by those who thought they were and are free. What happened to that great mind set of white genius who told black folk it was a crime for them to read and write as they had no status but that of an animal? Strange these are the same privilege folk who stood by and signed the stimulus package that they didn't write nor read as lawmakers. They signed what in essence made them economical slaves who now talk about the illness of a nation as it relates to health care. How are they going to pay for the creation of jobs-education and a better way of life for their future if they have no money and money is there Capitalist system-their King-their God as they send their mercenaries here and around the world to preserve their system. Who then owns the country built on the backs and hands of the Black slaves with no title of valued meaning-yet speaks the language of the slave master-but claims title under Divine Law Atonement-Land Reparations-under the truth of that Law-you reap what you have sown-the victims are owed a debt- as the rapture was made so are the scales of Justice in place! Reuben Seed of Jacob Son of Simeon Reuben Beckles September 17th 2009
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