Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where Is The Stature Of Limitations Concerning Justice Of The Black Slaves And Their Decendants Who Built America With Free Labor?!

This question is asked in relation to the longevity of law and Blacks who think they're free in America! The insanity and denial surrounding the action and thought process of freedom-reparations and land is really remarkable-especially-when it comes from the educated stating they are free males and females -under law! This commentary is speaking directly to black folk in America-regardless of their status-who were and are a part of the slave trade and the development of America and free labor which is inheritable and was never paid for! Time has passed but it is the driving force behind the poverty and other ailments relative to You- today! When people say that happened along time ago-let's move on-knowing this is a money making system I ask, to where since I don't own the land that produces the lumber that produces tooth picks-that I might sell on the open market. My education and knowledge is theoretically inferior to that of the slave master who made it a crime to teach me to read and write but says today-no child left behind - education is the way...until it comes to(Reparations-Restitution-Real Freedom and Land)...Under Law! So-is there A Statue Of Limitation under law? Which Law? Those of the "Common Law of England and it's States". "Admiralty Law" "Constitutional Law" "Criminal-Land or Secular law-but made up policy! What do we do with Spiritual and Divine Law?...the ladder has no 'Statue Of Limitation' ...the Divine Creator, being it's author! This is the same Author that tells us what and how we solve the problem of Slavery. There is no loop hole in this Law! What has happened in the United States Of America, under it's application of law is usury, foolishness and trickery-policy by commission-based on color- race and one's ability to pay! This keeps the ignorant and foolish in the dark perpetuating the status quo! I am duty bound at this point to give you an example of this ignorance and insanity as we watch two candidates running to enter and guide a burning house. I do this because I am not joining neither one of them-candidate or party- as I am for Truth-Black self and Kind...Freedom-Land And Reparations! This leads me to my point. A plot was discovered to wiped out one of the two candidates and cause a race war according to the news reports. The candidates life which was in danger was trying to rise above the obvious(Race) as a factor...stated to my dismay," That is not the American way!) we are one people...this is one nation under law!! I along with many others am old enough to know and remember how we came to this land-rendered free slave labor-separated and given the status as animals-language taken and families broken up and destroyed. Burned -lynched-castrated and dehumanized in every form known to Man! This is an Educated man-living in America! You tell me-who the hell is he and where's he been? His statement tell me, he hates Black and to put your trust in this type of mind is pure folly-is insane! These were and are the acts of Americans in America! These are the same people (Americans) who don't want to admit the truth of their foundation, development and expansion. The same folk who live high and good because of free slave labor that was never paid for -then nor now...even the Black Judas sell-out want nothing to do with the Law as it relates to Reparations, Restitution -real freedom and Land! How strange has life become for the master deceivers who are running all over the world trying to calm the fears of their friends who have accepted and taken part of the gifts and loans of wealth built by the slaves and their descendants. As the greed and selfishness intensified-along with the funny money-there is no Statue Of Limitations placed on the Law. Divine Law! Watch Judas coming forth full cycle in the name of religion-playing his game in the name of Politics and Religion-pushing the woman as if she walked the God created, King's High Way!...which she could never do and obtain his wisdom. This is why they are now promoting same sex marriage and total equality falling into the pits of despair!...Statue Of Limitation-under Law? Reuben-Son Of Simeon Seed Of Jacob
10-30-2008 reuben beckles


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