White American Truth -hate-religion and politics-21st century
Whatever is in you and in the dark-will come to light-so let it be in the twenty first century concerning black folk in America! It has been stated that black folks should forget the past and move on into the future with nothing but a dream and no foundation...that we are all human in this melting pot of insanity! But this is my truth and commentary as a Man, A King, one with my God...and if Black folk, born in this system continue along the path of slavery just to get along with the slave master-and his sons and daughters-promoted by these hypocritical black Judas sellouts who have no balls to accept the truth-then you deserve your lot in hell! Right and wrong are like the foundation of prophecy-religion in politics as it governs the nation state in our lives-person to person-families to family! We are told to forget the past- look and move ahead into the future...go to school and get an education and when we get there we are taught about the past and everything we do concerning the future is about perpetuating this wanna be white and colored slave master and their children! In our innocence and foolishness we are taught to build for others in this wilderness-in the middle of the ocean on tooth picks with no foundation because we do not own this land! Walk or drive through many of what you perceive to be black communities throughout this land and you will see "Homes For Sale-Repossessed By Banks.!" Jobs being down sided and shipped out of the country-what do you own for yourself and kind? Who are you and where do you come from,? You watch Black folk coming from the land of the Blacks, called Africa! They laugh and look down their noses at you and I who were born here and built this nation with free labor-knowing they were responsible for selling us into this hell hole in the first place! Do you know these same fools are laugh at by the Europeans whom they sold out to under the common wealth of England and the Catholic church...because they don't think they're black as we are in America! Think about it...the same thing is true for those who come here from the Caribbean Islands-to be specific, Marcus Garvey, from Jamaica, whom they laughed at and chased out claiming he was nothing. He came to America and found he was something-he stood for something then and now! Those who threw him out of their country, now claim him as their favored son! They represent the same spirit that stated we are Africans in America, and that all we need is an apology without land!...this after we have been stripped of everything except our inner soul and spirit! How do I view those Blacks coming to America to settle on this land of the American Indian,whether from the Caribbean, Central or South America, the continent of Africa, or Israel in the middle east..as Judas sellouts, because they come as Satanic sellouts promoting identity thief..to play games and make money at our expense! They use the Churches, Mosques, Temples, Synagogues and secret Societies to promote their insanity...they do not believe in the spirit and truth as it relates the the prophecy of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and if you listen to them closely, if they come into your presence, it's always about an organization. Ask them why do they come to America, if where they come from, is so great! Since we fought to be free here, why didn't they do the same on their land since they possess all those things of value which was taken from the Black man, born in this American wilderness! Today, as we think and speak, the religious and political fight in America, gets heavy as to who will be in the drivers' seat to do away with the power and spirit of the Black man in America. White, coloreds and Black Judas sellouts chose Obama! His Black wife, Feels nothing for herself and like many others...hates the Black man..hence(God! who made the spirit rapture in the sixties..as Jacob seed...under Black Power and Twelfth House, walking the Kings Highway, which is not for sale and cannot be bought! The phonies under political and religious houses are full of lies and hypocrisies and have no intentions of promoting and acting on reparations because to do so would mean the elimination of slavery and the innocent paying for the guilty! How strong is Reparations? How strong is the word of God and his divine creation? We don't want an apology and paper money to spend with your money lenders on what you perceive to be your land and your educated tricksters!...When you free the Black slaves and their descendants in this nation under your constitution and your nation of laws under God...the the wealth and their money is Gold...Silver...Diamonds, Platinum! Well digging equipment, seeds and medical supplies and other necessities we have learned as the value of free labor is inheritable! This also takes into account the destruction of our families, homes and societies causing us to live in the decaying backward condition that we find ourselves in today! If a black man rises in this society claiming to be your leader in relation to your God and has not been in Jail which is an extension of the plantation-he's not your leader and has not been put through that divine fire of truth because, these organizations in what ever form are designed by Satan and the devil to keep you blind as a slave in his house , on his land!
August 12th 2008 Reuben Beckles....Son of Simeon-Seed of Jacob
August 12th 2008 Reuben Beckles....Son of Simeon-Seed of Jacob
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