Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Commentary In Black-Hypocracy Of Activist And so-called Black Leaders

This commentary deals with black Folk Action And Truth as it deals with the Black slaves of America! The fact is, the Blacks who sold us out to get us here from the Land of the Blacks better known as the continent of Africa, have no intention to right this wrong and see us come home -they have given much of the riches continent on earth over to the Europeans and other in the name of brotherhood and religion which is why so much hell is visiting their doors and they stand around talking foolishness begging for help to get them out of HIV-AIDS and water pollution as they import guns and ammunition to kill one another. In EUROPE, they are laughed at. In America, they go to the Universities, push brooms as Janitors and wear guns as security guards and look down on the Black man born in America- It never dawns on them and others as they laugh at the blacks born here that if it were not for the work in action done by us and our descendants there would be no United States as the world knows it to be...(The Slaves were never Paid and the Land is not ours! The world sees certain members in this nation on T.V.- on radio and news-print representing themselves as activists and our leaders and they said look at the progress being made as they talk about Immigration, Integration Jobs and money Parity! If we are real and true to ourselves, our history and our God as it relates to prophecy, we know they're trickers and fools getting paid to keep to keep the slave on the plantation of communism while they and their White counter part live Social Capitalism. We are thrown a bone under Democracy to vote for the individual whom they choose to hold the line between the power structure and the slaves and they do one hell of a job! But, they forgot one simple truth-they will not blow smoke up my nose based on a lie and tell me it's truth-I know right from wrong and I know that at the end of the day when the smoke has cleared integration it not freedom- is not Justice. When a Boy becomes a Man and in this case ...the slave-he grows into Spiritual Truth and awareness-he wants -he must have his own house, his own Land! If this is not true, the Buffalo Soldiers would never have been used to help decimate the culture and peoples known as the American Indians and the civil war would never have been fought! When a Black Man by the name of Marcus Garvey Was thrown out of Jamaica for putting down his truth for real freedom why was he forced to flee for his life before he ended up here in America, where his knowledge put him in the forefront of real freedom only to have the Black star Line blocked in the port of Liberia, by the State Department, freed Creoles, Mulattoes and octoroons, who knew they were loosing a gold mine in the value of Black Folk. That mine set has not changed to this very day. Today, we are looking at Immigration and this nation of Laws and the border with Mexico, and the impact they are having on this nation of Free Men -Law and the Black Slaves who are still begging acceptance and integration.. I we are to look at the Law we must turn our attention to the "Treaty Of Guadalupe Hildago" because in that treaty, the Mexican Government, sold the land- water rights and a multitude of other things to the U.S. Government for fifteen Million Dollars in Gold and Silver! This Land was California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas...I believe parts of Colorado. In addition to this sale there was another Treaty, where another (Five-Ten) million dollars was involved. Today, much of the Legal and illegal activities going on is because of this treaty-involving trade -ownership of the Land and dope while the government is trying to make an illegal situation legal while blowing up some folks in the middle east on a promissory note- Slavery and the Interest compounded in the form of Land and Reparations! The secret behind the Slaves being unable to obtain real Justice and freedom lies in the lap of the educational institutions -so-called upper and middle class socialites -religious houses and the Queen Bee insanity-where every one under them are nothing more than drones and when you stand as a Man for this divine truth you will stand alone and if you have a family and do not belong to those secret socialites and organizations hell bent on holding you down in place as a Slave-you will go to jail and your Sons will go into the Armed Service to be all they can be where their spirits will be used to slip into the Lands beyond the fertile crescent. I entered the door in the East and when I asked one of my sons who was in the Navy, why he couldn't-this after I had gotten out of jail-having never been in the armed serves, he said" you can't get in there, they are awake and too strong"! Which let me know, the government had him like many others, on a spy conspiracry journey! This was the same goal as his mother, who stated she was the Queen Of Sheba!...she couldn't enter the land either! Entered The Egyptian Goddess, ISIS, known all over the world -the snake pretending love for the Black Man, but like Delilah, is paid to take his Spirit...she tried through sex and the book of the dead and marriage...she failed in my case -she and her spiritual legends of army followers, ran straight into hell-because of Divine intervention, enabling us to understand that the Jews...Hebrew Israelites and the Land is different! And so it is with the Black Slaves of America, You can't take it -you can't buy it...Justice and the Divine Will- is what it is! The power that be, think this is a game because of the black greedy, Judas sellouts-in truth, they are on the verge of loosing all they have! You don't see the Wind-but you see it's effects- Who's Will-Who's Divine Prophecy be done?

August 23 2007 Reuben Beckles


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