Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Commentary-Prophecy And Identity Thief

...This commentary is about divine prophecy and the King's Highway that I have travelled while living in this country as a Black man-from the twelfth house of Israel-seed of Jacob-son of Simeon. I am not suppose to know this because it's spiritual and divine and the knowledge has been clothed in religious houses and secret societies in this nation and around the world. Much hatred, jealousy and envy has been created by those whose were and are teachers, educators, nations and even members of the ancient royal houses living within the prophecy of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Many lies and much wealth have been created by Judas and these satanic devils promising the peoples and nations of the world, the land-wealth and birthright of Jacob and his seed. Confusion and chaos abound because of the lies and deceit. Much of this confusion has been caused by the slave trade of the blacks, and in particular those who were sold to this country-those who lost everything and were never paid...creating tremendous wealth in this nation and power for those who control it in this demonic system and why it was made a crime, punishable by death, to teach the spiritually dead to read and write until the books were altered and changed to favor the knowing demons. Today around the world, people-nations and religions claim they know and have the truth of God on their side as they slaughter one another! They shout and holler love and peace...but there is none and prophecy told them there would be none! Folly and scheming trickers abound in the people of Caucasian stock of Europe who call themselves Jews yet were never born in the area Canaan and were never apart of Abraham, Issac and Jacob- the trick was they were taught by Semitic Blacks the knowledge of what is now known as Judaism and then they converted. Even the Kings and Pharaohs of Egypt couldn't cross over into the land of Israel and they created the philistines on Israel coast as a political thorn in their side...this because of envy and jealousy. Ishmael and Esau dominated by jealousy given some of the most riches land in the world known as oil still became envious of Jacob-and their seed is trying to kill his seed and sell his land to the phonies of Europe. They created a mess for the world and themselves. Like Christianity, who would hang you on the cross- burn you or put you in the lions den...the Muslims under Islam said,"submit" or loose your head-arm or leg! This was because they were not able to find the throne of Christ...therefore, they assumed there was no throne! This brings us back the the turmoil of the sixties and this very day within the twenty first century and as I've stated this is my commentary: I have never belonged to any religious body or organization and never wanted to be and didn't know why yet, always felt a part of the slave movement and it's solution. Black folk in this nation are still slaves.! Land and reparations is still the solution! They can postpone the good fight by hiding their heads in the sand by integrating with the nations of the world who are jealous and hate you ...and prophecy or get killed off and die in hell while pretending to love everybody and everything-with nothing! How do I know? Because I've been thrown in jail fighting the spiritual war. Charged with crimes I never committed- walked out without a lawyer! Had my family torn from me, because my wife said I abandoned them and her and put in jail wile she and my twin brother ...she a organizational Black Greek and he a member of the Black Muslims; Islam-known as the great takers who didn't then nor now believe in reparations but thought by using his spirit, her knowledge and spirit, even though I was married to her they could take the promised lands-and their organizations through their religions could come together and claim spiritual victory and absolute the land that Dr. King claimed he saw from the top of the mountain! They committed absolute spiritual folly and failed because I had made my spiritual journey when I walked the Kings Highway...entered the door and the Land-which was my rapture, ending in divine intervention and judgement! Many laughed, said it was nothing...while they took the peanuts, with no reparations-no land as they phonies are saying Black is nothing they are you want the truth or do you serve the devil? The actions taken is real and so is the spirit of truth and the living God! Don't come to me playing games! Reuben Beckles.


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